Matches 1 to 40 of 40 » See Gallery » Slide Show
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1 |
 | Alonzo Dossey Wren, Sarah Bridges Wren, Mattie Wren Patterson Dr. Wren, his mother Sarah, and his sister Mattie Patterson |
2 |
 | Dr. A.D. Wren |
3 |
 | Dr. A.D. Wren in his Confederate uniform He is holding an Arkansas Toothpick knife |
4 |
 | Dr. Alonzo Dossey Wren |
5 |
 | Dr. Alonzo Dossey Wren and Georgia Vickers Wren |
6 |
 | George Washginton Wren repaired and retouched |
7 |
 | George Washington Wren |
8 |
 | George Washington Wren |
9 |
 | George Washington Wren |
10 |
 | Sarah Bridges Wren |
11 |
 | Sarah Bridges Wren |
12 |
 | Sarah Bridges Wren |
13 |
 | Sarah Bridges Wren |
14 |
 | Sarah Bridges Wren |
15 |
 | Sarah Bridges Wren |
16 |
 | Sarah Bridges Wren |
17 |
 | George Lovick Pierce Wren (GLP Wren) |
18 |
 | Georgia Vickers Wren |
19 |
 | GLP Wren |
20 |
 | Carrie Camilla Wren Woodul |
21 |
 | Martha Susanna Reeves "Mattie" Wren Patterson Mattie Wren Patterson |
22 |
 | Mildred Wren Whitten |
23 |
 | Rev. John F. Patterson |
24 |
 | Sam Scott Wren |
25 |
 | Sam Scott Wren |
26 |
 | 1910 Nevada County Grand Jury A.D. Wren is in the front row toward the right. |
27 |
 | Dr. A.D. Wren |
28 |
 | Dr. A.D. Wren at the J.C. Woodul House A.D. Wren, his daughter Carrie Wren Woodul, and her husband J.C. Woodul |
29 |
 | Dr. A.D. Wren at the J.C. Woodul House |
30 |
 | Hudson Wren wearing his letter sweater for playing football at the University of Arkansas |
31 |
 | Hudson Wren |
32 |
 | Hudson Wren |
33 |
 | Hudson Wren looking dapper |
34 |
 | Mary Jim and Hudson Wren |
35 |
 | Mary Jim Higgs Wren and Hudson Wren |
36 |
 | Sam and Pearl Wren family Norvelle, Sam, Carrie, Pearl, and Mildred Wren. Pearl is pregnant with Hudson in this picture. |
37 |
 | Sam Scott Wren |
38 |
 | Sam Wren's Kids Mildred, Hudson, and Norvelle Wren |
39 |
 | JC Woodul Family John C Woodul, Julia Woodul, Carrie Wren Woodul |
40 |
 | Mildred Wren and Henry Whitten |