Ancestors and Family of Brian Scott Dickson and Kathleen Ann Boyle Dickson
Matches 1 to 50 of 5,092
# | Notes | Linked to |
1 | DEATH: Certified death certificate is in the possession of Ellie Friesen. Note from Ellie Friesen: Residences: Hope, AR (1871), Indian Territories (1906), Redland until her death. Martha Brock tells me that in the Civil War the Freeman's or Almand family put corn in the walls of their home so the soldiers would not steal their food. A Yankee soldier came into the yard when Druscilla was sweeping the yard and asked for food. When she told him she didn't have any he hit her with his rifle knocking her to the ground. Druscilla's Funeral Notice: Funeral Services were held for Mrs. D. Freeman, who died Sunday at Redland, were held Monday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock at the Redland cemetery with Rev. E.W. Wright and Rev.J.L. Cooke officiating. The song service was held by the Redland singing class, directed by A.W. Lambert. She is survived by one son, W.A. Freeman, California; four daughters, Mrs. V. Roberts, Sacramento, CA, Mrs. C.M. Cabaniss, Mrs. W.H. Farley,and Mrs. Andrew Dollarhide, all of Redland; twenty grandchildren and several great grandchildren. Out-of-town relatives attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Webb, Hugo; Mrs. Henry Almand, Mrs. and Mrs. Tony Almand and son, Harold, and Joseph Almand, all of Broken Bow; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hart and children, and Mrs. Minnie Roe of Hope, AR. Mrs. D. Freeman was born March 26, 1858 at Atlanta, GA. At the age of thirteen, just after the Civil War her family moved to a little town near Hope, AR. She married Robert Freeman in 1876. In 1906 the moved to the Indian Territory and her husband died in 1909. She spent the remainder of her life here. She fell from her chair last August and broke her hip and was never up again. She leaves a host of friends and relatives to mourn her passing. | Almand, Permelie Ann Druscilla (I344)
2 | Listed as living with her brother William T. in DeKalb Co in 1930 and is listed as Zuma Weeler. | Almand, Mounta Zuma (I331)
3 | Notes from Shirley Barham: His Confederate marker is incorrect. Pvt. John Butler, served in Company "B" 35th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment. He enlisted on September 21, 1861 in Conyers, Georgia. John Butler was sick in camp with the Mumps, November-December 1861. March 30, 1862. he was admitted to Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Virginia with Typhoid Fever. He was captured while trying to return to his Unit and escaped. The 35th GA Regiment was in Stonewall Jackson's Corps commanded by General A. P. Hill. John Butler participated in the battles of Fredericksburg and Gettysburg. While home on sick furlough March 1863 until June 1863 - he married Nancy Hollingsworth - May 7, 1863 in Conyers, Georgia. During the Wilderness Campaign, he was captured. He was transferred through Point Lookout, Maryland to Elmira, New York where he arrived on July 30, 1864. He took the Oath of Allegiance to the United States on May 15, 1865 and was released on May 16, 1865. | Almand, John Butler (I278)
4 | See note on this event for Peter Cock Bailey | Bailey, Roger Cock (I672)
5 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: Marcus Wren Dickson / Heather Lynn Enaya Parr (F1823)
6 | Paid 1 white poll in personal property tax assessment | Deshazo, Rev. Larkin Columbus (I2507)
7 | She has had 3 children of whom 3 are living | Dalrymple, Agnes (I2316)
8 | !1846 MARR:Louisa Aline Wrenn to Robert C. Potts, 29 Apr 1846, (B)James G. Draffin, Union Co NC Marriages 1843-1899. !NOTE:Bob Harris says Louisa Wren Potts had daughter Annie Lee and son Webb Potts. Annie Lee called Plum married Osgood Pierce Heath, son of Moses Chappel Heath and grandson of Moses Heath & Elsie Wren. Helen Wren Heath was dau of Annie Lee & Osgood P. Heath. Helen was blind. Annie Lee Potts was the older sister of Bob Harris' grandmother. Helen Wren Heath was mentioned in the will of Nora Cousar Wren of Monteagle, TN,1936, as being the grandau of George Leonidas Wren' sister. G. L.Wren was half-bro of Louise Alletha Wren Potts. | Wren, Louisa Alletha (I6725)
9 | !1912 BURIAL: cemetery Uvalde, Tx. on Rt 91 about a mile west of town. A pedestal-shape stone about 4 ft. high with the inscription, Sarah Wren, Born Apr 17,1813, Died Apr 25, 1912, Age 99 yrs, 6 da. Placed in memory by her children and grandchildren. | Bridges, Sarah (I1223)
10 | !MILITARY: John Hollis was a Corporal in the Revolutionary War. He later rose to the rank of Orderly Seargent. He served for over two years in the NC Militia, first against the Cherokee Indians who had allied with the British, and then against the British and Tories. At the end of his service, he was 4th Orderly Seargent responsible for guarding prisoners of war. There is another Capt. John Hollis who died in Wayne Co., TN, but he was from South Carolina. Some record the name as Hallis and some say the name is HALLIS from DE. DEED: Pruitt, p. 86, No. 574. Mar 10, 1778. John Hollis enters 400ac in Rowan Co on both sides of Indian Grave Br of Swearing Cr; border: improvement of Joseph Lanning & Peter Baker DEED: 23 Sep 1808 - John (X) Hollis to Rich'd Owen for 1000 silver dollars, 581 1/2 ac on Indian Grave Br, Beaverdam Cr, and Swearing Crk, adj Joseph Lanning, Adam Helmshotler, John Ford, George Reed,this grant for Bennett Woods & Jacob Wagoner. Wit. Joseph Chaffin &Hezekiah Owen. Prud. Hezekiah Owen at Aug Ct 1810. In Rowan County will book B, p. 120, there is a will for Martin Trentham in 1783 that mentions a Mary Trentham as a daughter. John Hollis and George Reed are named executors. This does not prove that Mary Trentham is the wife of John Hollis. I need more proof before believing this. | Hollis, John (I3639)
11 | " ... Charles McLean was born about 1726, the son of John McLean of Scotland, whose wife was a stepdaughter of Ephrain Moore, apparently an Ulsterman. They came to near Philadelphia, according to tradition,about 1748-1750. We find Charles and his brother Ephraim McLean in the Alamance Creek district of Guilford County, North Carolina around 1760. Charles married in old Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in 1763 to Mrs. Susan Howard Allison, Widow and daughter of Dr. Howard of Philadelphia, and settled on lands on Fishing and Allison's Creek,where his two older children were born. He moved to what is Gaston County in 1768. | McLean, Col. Charles (I4559)
12 | " Another, Thomas Ware, had a plantation of 1107 acres in the north part of the county which he presumably had operated since he acquired it on May 19, 1840. In 1846, he had 17 slaves." | Ware, Thomas (I6366)
13 | "above 80 years" | Howland, John (I9085)
14 | "Appointment of Hudson Wren, now county agricultural agent at Osceola, to be the senior rural supervisor for the Emergency Relief Administration in Mississippi County was announced today by B.N. Wilson, county ERA administrator. Mr. Wren has accepted, Mr. Wilson said, subject to approval of the state agricultural extension service, from which he must obtain a leave of absence. In this new capacity he will be the manager of the 8,500 Mississippi county rural rehabilitation project, near Marie, and will also be agricultural advisor for the Dyess colony. One of his assistants will be Joe Dillahunty of this city, former county assessor, who will have headquarters on the Ridgeland farm, part of the rehabilitation project. Mr. Wren, a native of Prescott, Ark., was Smith-Hughes instructor at Wilson high school until last fall, when he was named county agent at Osceola to succeed S.D. Carpenter. He has also had experience in agricultural work in southeast Arkansas. While Mr. Wren's permanent headquarters will be at Dyess colony, his major task this year will be at the county rehabilitation farm, where the ERA plans to locate several hundred farm families, no one relief rolls in this and other counties. The farm has 6,000 acres now in cultivation and plans call for the clearing of an additional 2,500 agres. The land has been leased from the Lee Wilson company." | Wren, Henry Hudson (I6703)
15 | "General" is an honorary title and not an actual rank. From FindaGrave: John Hamilton was born about 1746. Some claim he was born in 1752 in the Laggan Dist., Londonderry, Ireland. (The Connector of the Hamilton National Genealogical Society, 2001) He married Elizabeth Archer on 25 Oct 1774. He worked as justice and clerk of Guilford Co., North Carolina for many years. I have original papers that he signed relating to his brother-in-law Thomas Archer. Late in his life John was accorded the honorary title of “General.” OBITUARY "Friday, May 7, 1819, Raleigh Minerva DIED, on the 25th January last, in Pulaski County, W. Tenn., whither he went last fall on a visit to a son-in-law and daughter, GENERAL JOHN HAMILTON of Guilford, N. C. He was one of GEN. GREEN’S aides on the day of the battle fought at Guilford Court House on the 15th March, 1781, and was active in gaining our independence." Although it has been asserted that Hamilton was buried in the area of the McNairy Cemetery in 1819, there is no evidence of a marker or gravestone for him there today. Pat Kinsey notes that, "MANY graves were lost/destroyed in the Robert McNairy Cemetery of Giles Co, TN before a cemetery survey was taken. Gen John Hamilton is NOT shown on the cemetery survey as being buried there. He may have been and his grave marker was lost....OR he was buried elsewhere." One comment on FindaGrave suggests that there may be errors here since there were several Hamilton families in the area at that time, but it doesn't suggest what the errors might be. Findagrave suggests that his father was Hance Hamilton and that the family came to TN from Pennsylvania. However, the Descendants of Simon Dickson says that it was John Hamilton. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/73512891/hance-hamilton | Hamilton, General John (I8156)
16 | "Guests ... were ... Mrs. Hudson Wren of Dyess. Prize for high score, a sandwich tray, was won by Mrs. Wren" | Higgs, Mary (I3536)
17 | "J.W. Higgs, a very nice looking gentleman from Texarkana, was in the city yesterday and paid us a pleasant visit." Interesting note two columns over - "Work on the Ouachita College is still pushing along." (J.H. Cason was a fundraiser for the college at its inception.) | Higgs, John William (I3534)
18 | "Jewell Long was a Sales Representative for the Continental Trailways Bus Co. Mr. Long, a native of Texarkana, was a veteran of WWI, a member of the American Legion Post No. 51 and a member of the Methodist Church. " - Obituary, Nevada County Picayune. | Long, L. Jewel (I4348)
19 | "Mr. Woodul, a lifelong resident of Nevada County, was born near Prescott, in 1877, the son of the late T.J. and Mary Woodul. Hes erved as County and Probate Judge of Nevada County from 1938 to 1944. A retired merchant and planter, he had been a member of the Board of Stewards of the First Methodist Church here for 25 years and had served as chairman of that group for a number of years." - Obituary,Nevada County Picayune. | Woodul, James Calvin (I6640)
20 | "Mr. Wren has previously been engaged in the teaching of vocational agriculture. Following his graduation from the University of Arkansas in 1929 he taught for two years in the Portland, Ark high school, returned to the university for a year as assistant instructor in the department of agriculture and education, and came to Wilson as a teacher of vocational agriculture in the summer of 1932. He is a native of Nevada county." | Wren, Henry Hudson (I6703)
21 | "Mrs. M.S. Phillips has returned from Lancaster, where she went to visit her father J.W. Deshazo." | Deshazo, Mary Susan Druscilla (I2521)
22 | "No. 608 Proved away Take up by John Young on Round Island, a dark horse shod all round between twelve and fifteen years old appraised to five dollars, January 21st day 1824. John Faver, Senr John Faver, Jr D.D. Robertson, J.P." | Favor, John (I2891)
23 | "North Carolina Marriages, 1759-1979," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/F8GJ-L42 : accessed 23 March 2016), Otway S. Bailey and Lena Bethell, 30 Nov 1821; citing Rockingham, North Carolina, reference ; FHL microfilm 518,428. | Family: Dr. Otway Licepious Bailey / Sena Bethell (F3145)
24 | "Samuel Edson was living in Salem in 1655; removed to Bridgewater; deacon; representative; married Susanna ____; died July 9, 1692, aged 80; she died Feb 20, 1699-1700; children: 1. Samuel: married Susanna Byrum; 2. Joseph; 3. Joseph; 4. Susanna; married Rev. James Keith; 5. Elizabeth; married Richard Phillips of Weymouth; 6. Mary; married Nicholas Byrum in 1676; 7. Sarah; married John Dean of Taunton Nov. 7, 1663; 8. Bethiah; married Ezra Dean Dec. 17, 1678." courtesy of Billie Jasper 48331425 6 Sep 1613 was Deacon Samuel Edson's Baptism Date in Fillongley, Warwickshire, England. He was born sometime in 1612. Exact date unknown. | Edson, Deacon Samuel (I8857)
25 | "Supposed to be dead. Has been absent long enough" | Sartain, Jessee Y. (I5459)
26 | "The ashes of May Browning Cason, 84, a former Fort Worth resident, will be scattered at sea in a private service Thursday in San Francisco. Mrs. Cason, a native Texan and past president of the Fort Worth Garden Club, died Aug 11 in San Francisco. While living in Fort Worth, she was a member of the Opera Guild and First Methodist Curch. Survivors include three sisters, Grace Wheat and Elizabeth Potter of San Antonio, and Alma Long of San Francisco." | Browning, May (I8293)
27 | "The following persons were licensed to sell liquor for the year 1800, and posted bond with sureties: Plymouth Innholders -- ... Jerusha Ellis ... | Bryant, Jerusha (I8625)
28 | "Van Buren, Ark - April 16 - A change has been made in the management of the Venture at this place. J.W. Higgs, who has been with the paper since its inception, has taken charge of the Fort Smith Times. Rowe Hays, a young attorney recently from Mississippi, will assume control of the paper" | Higgs, John William (I3534)
29 | $31526 real property $2400 personal property | Ware, Jamison (I6345)
30 | (19: 68-72) The following persons were licensed as Innholders, and posted bond with sureties: Plymouth - ... Jerusha Ellis ... | Bryant, Jerusha (I8625)
31 | (Sessions / Pleas, 6: 174) Petit jurors: David Jacob, William Tickner, Israel Cudworth, Gersham Ewell, Samuel Silvester, John King, John Holmes, John Foster, Robert Bartlet, Thomas Howland, Samuel Kieth, James Washbourne | Keith, Samuel (I8684)
32 | * Name-Peyton S Vincent. Buried-Pressgrove Cemetery, Bedford County, TN. Histroy-According to the Bedford County, Tennessee Deed Book NN Pages 389 and 390, Written 5 September 1844, Recorded December 2, 1844. Alexander Vincent and Micajah Cooper to Petyon Vincent 100 acres on the North Fork of Duck River in Bedford County, Tennessee. Neighbors were Robert Ellison-North eastside and William B Jordan on the southwest side. Subscribing witnesses were J. W. Vincent and Alexander Landers.Sources-1850 Census Bedford County, TN, Civil District 9, Page 170A, Image 22, House 148, Family 148.1860 Census Bedford County, Tn, Civil District 8, Image 9, Page 213, House 411, Family 381.Bedford County, Tennessee Will Book 1, Page 101, Will of Peyton S Vincent, written June 21, 1867, Ann EVincent, administrator, Witness J. O. Soaps and N. M. Wheeler, no children mentioned.Bedford County, Tennessee, Deed Book NN, page 389, September 3, 1844, Peyton bought 100 acres from his brother, Alexander A Vincent and brother-in-law, Micaijah T. Cooper. It states that Peyton was from Rutherford County, Tennessee. It says Alexander Landers and J. W. Vincent were subscribing witnesses.Book-"Death Records of Bedford County, TN", By Louise Lynch, Page 227.Rutherford County, Tennessee Deed Book 1, Pages 562 and 563, Sold land of Henry Vinson Listed as an heir.Rutherford County, Tn Deed Book 12, Pages 31 and 32. Will of Henry Vincent. Written February 3, 1841 Rutherford County, Tennessee Deed Book 12, Pages 456 and 457. Alexander was Peyton guardian and owed Peyton money.Tombstone, Pressgrove Cemetery, Bedford County, Tennessee.Record of Funeral for W C Vinson, Peyton's son.Book-"Bedford County, Tennessee Wills and Vital Records from Newspapers", by Helen C and Timothy R Marsh. Will of Peyton Vincent. Written 21 June 1867.Book-"Cemetery Records of Bedford County, TN", By Helen Marsh, Page 61.Bedford County, Tennessee Deed Book NN Pages 389 & 390, Written September 5, 1844 and recorded December 2, 1844. bobby9bob originally shared this on 15 Oct 2013 | Vincent, Peyton S. (I6288)
33 | , Could be Newton instead of Nathanial | Graves, James Nathaniel (I3174)
34 | , Fought in the Civil War. | Almand, William F. (I402)
35 | , MG2 | Cason, Joseph T. (I1537)
36 | , MG2 | Cason, Sophronia (I1568)
37 | , MG2 | Cason, Susan (I1571)
38 | , MG2 | Cason, William (I1581)
39 | , MG2 | Jarmon, Joanna (I3897)
40 | , MG2, | Williams, Julius Howard (I6523)
41 | ... for fifty pounds sterling ... one hundred seventy five acres ... being part of a tract surveyed for Charles Brandon situate on the north side of the Pacolet River on Mill Creek beginning at a black oak in the fork of the mill pond then So 12 E 52 chains 50 links to a willow oak on the river then up the river to a stake thence North 7 W 6 chains 50 links to a stake thence So 56 W 13 chains 50 links to a hickory thence N 5 E 19 chains 50 links to a black oak thence No 72 W 25 chains to a red oak thence No 5 W 15 chains to a hickory at the upper corner of Brandons old field thence through the upper end of the old field to Cooks line (a strait course) thence to the beginning including one hundred seventy five acres ... | Hames, Charles Sr. (I3234)
42 | ... one hundred and ten acres ... on the East prong od Portmans Creek waters of Pacolate and hath such courses as a Plat represents: viz: Beginning at a corner on a pine, running thence S.E. to a hickory corner, thence S.W. to a corner on a pine, thence N.W. to a hickory, thence N.E to a corner on a pine; bounded by ______ (blank spot) land thence S.E. to the Beginning corner tree. Henry Davis personally appeared to record this. However, it appears to be sloppily created and never mentions an amount or specific metes and bounds. | Hames, Charles Sr. (I3234)
43 | 0 ac | Council, Hodges (I9641)
44 | 0 ac, 1 fp | Council, Matthew (I9645)
45 | 0 ac, 1 poll | Council, Matthew (I9645)
46 | 0 ac, 1 poll | Council, John (I9644)
47 | 0 ac, 1 poll | Council, Matthew (I9645)
48 | 000000001-00100001-03100001 1 male 60-70 1 female 10-15 1 female 50-60 3 male slave 10-24 1 male slave 25-36 1 female slave 10-24 total of 8 people in the household. | Favor, John (I2891)
49 | 1 Feb 1794 - Between Jesse Councill and Jordan Councill. 100 L. 160 ac. N prong three forks New River. part land Baker King improved. John Ayers line. Wit: Thomas Wade. Signed: Jesse Councill. db p. 341 1 Feb 1794 - Between Jesse Councill and James Chambers. 100 L. 400 ac N side New River between Howard Creek & Meet Camp Creek. Reeces Line. Joseph Ayers line. Wits: Thomas Wade & William Brown. Signed: Jesse Council. db . 344 | Council, Jesse (I9639)
50 | 1 Jun 1793 - Between Aaron England and Richard Gren, James Tompkins, trustees in behalf of Regular Baptist Church on New River. Three Forks settlement. 5 L, 1 ac, N side New River, including meeting house and graveyard. Wits: Jesse Councill, William Brown. Signed Aaron England. db p, 287 | England, Aaron (I9649)