Ancestors and Family of Brian Scott Dickson and Kathleen Ann Boyle Dickson

Jesse Council[1]

Name Jesse Council Birth 1740–1750 - This is a guess based on his witnessing a will in 1776 and the 1830 census (which seems pretty high for his age)
Gender Male Misc 1 Sep 1776 Surry, North Carolina, United States [2]
witnessed Michael Baker's will - Vol 1.
Will of Michael Baker, farmer, very sick, 1 Sept 1776. Wife- Anna. Son: Moses. land adj his own. The rest of my children. Extrs: bro Moses Baker, sons Moses & James Baker. Wit: Hugh Lewis, Jesse Councell, Nathan Baker. Prvd by Hugh Lewis. Rec. Aug Ct 1777
Possessions 10 Nov 1778 Surry, North Carolina, United States [3]
received NC Land Grant - No. 900
Jesse Councel enters four hundred acres of land in Surry County on the middle fork of Forbushes Creek beginning near a Hickory Saplin makred near the mouth of Gravelly Branch the bounds between John England & Said Council including the Land to the Westward and said Council's improvement for complement.
Misc 26 Mar 1784 Surry, North Carolina, United States [4]
witnessed a deed - C:86, 87 - 26 Mar 1784. Robert Ayers & wf Rachel to Nicholas Hutchens, 20 L, 203 ac N fork Forbish Creek adj Henry Ayres, Joseph Ayres, mouth of little fork sd creek.
wit. Jesse Councill, Ben Burch, John Ayers
signed Robet Ayers, Rachel (X) Ayers
Misc 3 Nov 1784 Surry, North Carolina, United States [5]
mentioned in land grant - Book D, p. 184
3 Nov 1784. North Carolina Grant William McDaniel 200 ac, middle fork Forbis Creek, Muddy Branch adjoining Jesse Council and Graham
Misc 1786 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [6]
appeared in a tax list - 1786
Capt Isdell's District. Book No 11
Jesse Council - 1 poll, 1020 acres
Census 1787 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [7]
- Enumeration:
WM 21-60: 1
WM < 21, >60: 4
WF: 5
B 12-50: 0
B <12, >50: 0
This looks like
Jesse (21-60)
Elizabeth (wife)
Misc 1787 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [8]
appeared in tax list - 1791
Capt Greers Dist (No, 3)
Counsel, Jesse - 1220 ac, 1 poll
Misc 24 Oct 1787 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [9]
ordered to attend court as a juror - 24 Oct 1787 - Jesse Council ordered to attend next court at juror.
Misc 1788 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [10]
appeared in tax list - 1788
Capt Greers Dist (No, 3)
Counsel, Jesse - 1220 ac, 1 poll
Misc 29 Apr 1788 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [11]
ordered to view a road - 29 Apr 1788 - Jesse Council ordered as part of group to view road from Deep Gap at head Stoney Fork to Williams old place on New River
Misc 10 Jul 1788 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [12]
mentioned in NC land grant - 10 Jul 1788 - Grant - Memucan Hunt. 150 ac. N side New River. path Howards Creek. head Cove Creek in Reeses line. Howards nob. Jesse Councills line. db p. 456
Possessions 10 Jul 1788 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [13]
received NC Land Grant - Deed Book B-1 - 10 July 1788 - Grant. Jesse Councill. 400 ac. N side New River between Howards Creek and Meet Camp Creek. Reases line. db p. 327
10 Jul 1788 - Grant Jesse Councill. 300 ac N side New River. Aaron Englands corner. branch above Horse Ford. Jean Tilleys line. db p. 329
Misc 1 Nov 1788 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [14]
mentioned in order to view a bridleway - 1 Nov 1788 - Jury ordered to view brydle way from Thos. Robins on foot Mtn at head Elk Creek & from thence to Jesse Counsels on New River.
Misc 1789 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [15]
appeared in tax list - 1789
Capt Greers Dist (No, 3)
Counsel, Jesse - 1220 ac, 1 poll
Misc 30 Jan 1789 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [16]
ordered to attend court as juror - 30 Jan 1789
Jesse Council ordered to attend next court as Juror
Misc 18 May 1789 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [17]
mentioned in NC land grant - Deed Book B-1, 18 May 1789 - Grant Aaron England. 300 ac N side New River. above the horse ford branch in Jesse Counsels line. Jean Tilleys line. with Butts line. db p. 105
Misc 18 May 1789 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [18]
mentioned in NC Land Grant - 18 May 1789 - Grant - William Blackburn. 200 ac. waters Howards Creek. Jesse Councills line. db p. 171
Possessions 18 May 1789 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [19]
received NC Land Grant Possessions 18 May 1789 Surry, North Carolina, United States [20]
received NC Land Grant - Book E, p. 1
18 May 1789. North Carolina Grant Jesse Council. 400 a middle fork Forbush Creek adjoining John England agreed line William Moore.
Census 1790 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [21]
- Enumeration:
WM < 16: 3
WM > 16: 2
WF: 3
Slaves: 0
Guess for who is whom
WM < 16:
(One of these cannot fit here - too many people for the census)
WM > 16:
Unknown wife
Unknown daughter
Misc 1790 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [22]
appeared in tax list - 1790
Capt Greers Dist (No, 3)
Counsel, Jesse - 1320 ac, 1 poll
Misc 27 Jul 1790 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [23]
ordered to attend court as a juror - 27 Jul 1790
Jesse Council ordered to attend next court as Juror
Misc 1791 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [24]
appeared in tax list - 1791
Capt Greers Dist (No, 3)
Counsel, Jesse - 1220 ac, 1 poll
Misc 27 Jul 1791 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [25]
ordered to attend court as a juror - 27 Jul 1791
Jesse Council ordered to attend next court as Juror
Misc 24 Oct 1791 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [25]
serrved as foreman of grand jury - 24 Oct 1791
Jesse Council served on grand jury as foreman
Misc 24 Nov 1791 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [26]
witnessed deed rom Cobb to Reem - Deed Book B - 24 Oct 1791 - Between Clizby Cobb, Surry County, NC and Elizabeth Reem, Rowan Couny, NC. 10 L. 150 ac in Wilkes County on both sides Rings Creek or Parkes Creek in County line Wits: John Brown, Bnjamin Greer, & Jesse Councill. Signed Clizby Cobb. db p. 158
Possessions 20 Dec 1791 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [27]
received land grant from State of North Carolina - 20 Dec 1791 - Grant - Jesse Councill. 100 ac. N side New River. Butts line. Tilleys line. db p. 328
Misc 1792 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [28]
appeared in tax list - 1792
Capt Greers Dist (No, 3)
Counsel, Jesse - 730 ac, 1 poll
Possessions 4 Aug 1792 Surry, North Carolina, United States [29]
sold land to Peter Cook - Book F, p. 195
4 Aug 1792. Jesse Council, Wilkes County North Carolina to Peter Cook, 100L, 400 ac middle fork Forbis Creek adjoining John England and William Moore. Witness: John Williams, Signed Jesse Council
Misc 1793 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [30]
appeared in tax list - 1793
Capt Greers Dist (No, 3)
Counsel, Jesse (stud) - 670 ac, 1 poll
Council, Jordan - 150ac, 1 poll
Misc 1 Jun 1793 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [31]
mentioned in deed - England to Gren et al Misc 29 Jul 1793 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [32]
ordered to view road - 29 Jul 1793
Jesse Councill & Jordan Council part of jury to view road from Deep Gap to Rich Mountain
Misc 1 Oct 1793 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [33]
mentioned in deed from Blackburn to Eggers - 16 Oct 1793 - Between William Blackburn and Landrine Eggers. 60 L. 200 ac. Waters Howards Creek. Branch New River. Jesse Councills line. granted Wm. Blackburn by state 18 May 1789. Wits: John Baird, Zebulon Baird, William Baird. Signed William Blackburn. db p. 365-366
Misc 1794 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [34]
appeared in tax list - 1794
Capt Greers Dist (No, 3)
Council, Jesse (stud) - 510 ac, 1 poll
Council, Jordan - 160ac, 1 poll
Council, Hodges - 150ac, 1 poll
Possessions 1 Feb 1794 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [35]
sold mail to Jordan Council and James Chambers - 1 Feb 1794 - Between Jesse Councill and Jordan Councill. 100 L. 160 ac. N prong three forks New River. part land Baker King improved. John Ayers line. Wit: Thomas Wade. Signed: Jesse Councill. db p. 341
1 Feb 1794 - Between Jesse Councill and James Chambers. 100 L. 400 ac N side New River between Howard Creek & Meet Camp Creek. Reeces Line. Joseph Ayers line. Wits: Thomas Wade & William Brown. Signed: Jesse Council. db . 344
Misc 4 Feb 1794 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [36]
deeds proved in court - 4 Feb 1794
Deed from Jesse Counsel to James Chambers 400 ac; oath William Brown
Deed from Jesse Council to Jordan Council. 160 ac. oath sd Jesse
Misc 8 May 1794 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [37]
ordered to attend court as juror - 8 May 1794
Jesse Council ordered to attend next court as juror
Misc 25 Jul 1794 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [38]
mentioned in deed from Witherspoon to Brown - 25 Jul 1794 - Between David Witherspoon, one of heirs of James Witherspoon, deceased, & John Witherspoon, join heir with David and administrator of said James and William Brown. 300 L, 300 ac. N side S fork New River. Lynches Mill Creek. Buts & Aaron Englands lines. Jesse Councills line. land granted James Witherspoon, Dec'd by state. Wits: Benjamin Greer, Benjamin Martin, Jesse Robinett, John Brown. Signed D. Witherspoon & John Witherspoon. db p. 471, 472
Misc 6 Aug 1794 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [39]
ordered to attend court first Monday in November - 6 Aug 1794
Jesse Council ordered to attend next court first Monday in November as juror.
Misc 23 Sep 1794 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [40]
mentioned in deed from England to Brown Misc 1795 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [41]
appeared in tax list - 1795
Capt Greers Dist (No, 3)
Council, Jesse - 400 ac, 1 poll
Council, Jordan - 160ac, 1 poll
Misc 4 May 1795 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [42]
ordered to attend court as juror - 4 May 1795
Jesse council ordered to attend next court as juror
Possessions 1 Aug 1795 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [27]
Sold land to Edward Stockstill - Deed Book D, 1 Aug 1795 - Between Jesse Councill and Edward Stockstill, 6 L, 16 ac, for Flanerys fork New River. Jesse Councills lower line on Roaring Branch. Land granted Jesse Council by NC 20 Dec 1791. Wits: William Brown & John Ayers. Signed Jesse Council. deed book page 6
Misc 22 Aug 1795 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [43]
mentioned in NC Land Grant - 22 Aug 1795 - Grant John Ayers. 300 ac. waters New River. Flannerys fork. James Martins line. Witherspoons line. Jesse Councills line. db p. 480-481
Possessions 17 Nov 1795 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [44]
sold land to Hodges Council and Jordan Council - 17 Nov 1795 - Between Jesse Council and Hodges Councill. 40 L. 84 acs. N side New River at Roaring Branch. Ayers Line. land granted to Jesse Council by NC. Wits: Willaim Brown, Esqr, Jordan Councill, John Brown. Signed: Jesse Council. db p. 177
17 Nov 1795 - Between Jesse Councill and Hodges Councill. 50 L. 160 ac. E side prong New River. Gean Tilleys line. Jourdan Councills corner. part 320 ac. granted to Jesse Councill by State. Wits: William Brown, Esqr, Jordan Councill, John Brown. Signed: Jesse Councill. db . 178
17 Nov 1795 - Between Jesse Councill and Jordan Councill. 250 L. 300 ac. N side New River. Aaron Englands corner. above the Horseford. Jean Tilleys line. Wits: William Brown, esqr, Hodges Council, John Brown. No signature. db p. 179
Misc 1 Oct 1796 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [45]
mentioned in deed from England to Shearer - p. 153, 1 Oct 1796 - Between Aaron England and Robert Shearer. 100 L Virginia Currency. 149 ac. N side New River. above the Horsefoard. Jesse Councils line. William Drewns corner. including the improvement where Aaron England now lives. Wits: Jordan Counsill, William Robins, & John Ayers. Signed: Aaron England. db. p. 78 & 79
Misc 30 Nov 1796 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [46]
mentioned in NC land grant - p. 150, 30 Nov 1796 - NC Grant 1370. Landrene Eggers. 100 ac. waters Meet Camp Creek. Jesse Counsels corner. John Browns line. db p. 37
p. 151, 30 Nov 1796 - N.C. Grant 1368. Landrene Eggers. 150 acs. waters of Elk Creek & New River. near William Millers corner. Jesse Councill's line. db p. 52
Misc 11 Dec 1797 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States [47]
mentioned in grant to William Brown - 11 Dec 1797 - NC Grant 1443. William Brown. 30 ac. waters Linches Creek. mouth Spring branch. Jesse Counsills line. db p. 702
Misc 9 Jul 1798 Knox, Tennessee, United States [48]
served as grand juror Misc 1806 Knox, Tennessee, United States [49]
appears on tax list - 230 acres, no poll
Misc 1807 Knox, Tennessee, United States [50]
appears on tax list - 330 acres, no poll, 1 slave.
Misc 1808 Knox, Tennessee, United States [51]
appears on tax list - 230 ac, no poll, 1 slave
Misc 1809 Knox, Tennessee, United States [52]
appears on tax list - 130 acres, no poll, 1 slave
Misc 1810 Knox, Tennessee, United States [53]
appears on tax list - 130 acres, no poll, 1 slave
Misc 1811 Knox, Tennessee, United States [54]
appears on tax list - 130 ac, no poll, 1 slave
Misc Jul 1811 Knox, Tennessee, United States [55]
purchased items at Hodges Council's sale Misc 1812 Knox, Tennessee, United States [56]
appears on tax list - 122 ac, no poll, no slaves
Misc 1822 Knox, Tennessee, United States [57]
appeared in tax list - 170 ac, 0 poll
Misc 1823 Knox, Tennessee, United States [58]
appeared in tax list - 172 ac, 0 poll, 2 slaves
Misc 1824 Knox, Tennessee, United States [59]
appeared in tax list - 100 ac, 0 poll
Misc 1825 Knox, Tennessee, United States [60]
appeared in tax list - 50 ac, 0 poll
Misc 1826 Knox, Tennessee, United States [61]
appeared in tax list - 50 ac, 0 poll
Misc 1827 Knox, Tennessee, United States [62]
appeared in tax list - 50 ac, 0 poll, 0 slaves
Misc 1828 Knox, Tennessee, United States [63]
appeared in tax list - 50 ac, 0 poll, 0 slaves
Will 1828 Knox, Tennessee, United States - https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S7WF-SXWT-X9?i=41&cc=1909088&cat=255305
In his will, Jesse gives everything real and personal to his wife Elizabeth, having already given each of the children their share.
Misc 1829 Knox, Tennessee, United States [64]
appeared in tax list - 50 ac, 0 poll, 0 slaves
Census 1830 Knox, Tennessee, United States [65]
- Enumeration:
WM 90-100: 1
WF 60-70: 1
Misc 1830 Knox, Tennessee, United States [66]
appeared in tax list - 50 ac, 0 poll, 0 slaves
Death Abt Dec 1830 Knox, Tennessee, United States - Will is probated in Jan 1831 and Jesse appears in 1830 tax list.
Probate Jan 1831 Knox, Tennessee, United States [67]
- Knox County Settlements (ADM.)
Vol. 5 - July 1830 - Oct 1835
Page 34 - January Session 1831
Jesse Council
The last will and testament of Jesse Council deceased. Gibson Hardin & Joseph Hardin swore that they saw Jesse Council sign the will produced.Jesse Council of the county of Knox, state of Tennessee To my dear wife Elizabeth Council I give all my estate both real and personal to her and her heirs forever.Item to each and every of my children (who have long ___ been apportioned and left me) I bequeath every by me given to them to theirs and their heirs forever.
Dated 1828
_AMTID 162485323774:1030:191555462 _UID BA1604A631B04B2E9E3C1D7357BCFC358236 Person ID I9639 Scott Dickson Last Modified 4 Aug 2023
Family Elizabeth d. Yes, date unknown Children 1. Jordan Council, b. Abt 1770, North Carolina, United States d. Yes, date unknown
+ 2. Hodges Council, b. Bef 1775, North Carolina, United States d. Yes, date unknown
3. Charlotte Council, b. Abt 1770, North Carolina, United States d. Yes, date unknown
4. Matthew Council d. Yes, date unknown Family ID F3686 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 31 Dec 2023
Event Map = Link to Google Earth
Notes - In the Knox County tax lists, Jesse pays no poll. This usually means that he is too old to have to pay a poll. Often 60 years old. Need to validate current tax law for Tennessee at that point.
In the Land Entry Book for Wilkes County, NC, 1778-1781, there are two grants listed that mention Jesse Council.
No. 539. 8 Dec 1779. James Forbus. e. 300 Ac N side Yadkin River adjoining Frd Hogs improvement. (James Forbus marked out; Jesse Council written in)
No. 699. 2 Jan 1779. William Lenoir e. 320 ac n waters New River near Lewis' old cabbin, including improvement whereon Baker King formerly lived. (Wm Lenoir marked out; Jesse Council written in)
Where one name is crossed out and another written in, it means that the land entry was transferred before the grant was actually made. None of these mean that Jesse was necessarily in Wilkes in 1779.
It appears that Jesse Council was in Surry County, NC by Sept 1776 when he witnessed the will of Michael Baker. He married Elizabeth and had several children. Jordan looks like the oldest son, followed by Hodges. I still believe that Isaac was one of his children, probably the youngest son. I think perhaps Matthew is the son immediately before Isaac. There are daughters, at least Charlotte, and others not yet named.
It looks like he moved to Tennessee immediately before statehood. in late 1795. Hodges came in 1801. Jordan stayed in North Carolina.
Jesse wrote a will in 1828 and died in 1830.
- In the Knox County tax lists, Jesse pays no poll. This usually means that he is too old to have to pay a poll. Often 60 years old. Need to validate current tax law for Tennessee at that point.
Sources - [S1749] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Land Entry Book, 1778-1781, p. 539, 699.
- [S1760] Surry County, North Carolina Will Abstracts Vols 1-3, 1771-1827, p. 17.
- [S1762] North Carolina, Surry Co, Wills, inventories & settlements of estates, 1777-1796; land entries, 1778-1795; lists of taxables, 1771-1772, 1782, 13 September 2020; Land Entries 1778-1784, No. 900, Jesse Councel.
- [S1758] Surry County, North Carolina Abstracts, Deed Books A, B, and C (1770-1788), p. 67.
- [S1759] Surry County, North Carolina Abstracts, Deed Books D, E, and F (1779-1797), p. 23.
- [S1752] Wilkes County, North Carolina Taxables 1784 - 1785 - 1786, 1786, Capt Isdell's District, Jesse Council.
- [S1757] Wilkes County, North Carolina 1787 Census, Jesse Council.
- [S1754] Wilkes County, North Carolina Taxables (1787, 1788, 1789, 1790) Vol. III, 1787, Vannoys Dist, Jesse Counsil.
- [S1747] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Court Minutes 1778-1788, Vol I & II, Vol II, p. 32.
- [S1754] Wilkes County, North Carolina Taxables (1787, 1788, 1789, 1790) Vol. III, 1788, Greers district, Jesse Counsel.
- [S1747] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Court Minutes 1778-1788, Vol I & II, Vol II, p. 37.
- [S1746] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1, p. 83, Deed Book B-1, NC Land Grant to Memucan Hunt.
- [S1746] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1, p. 72, Deed Book B-1, NC Land Grant to Jesse Council.
- [S1747] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Court Minutes 1778-1788, Vol I & II, Vol II, p. 44.
- [S1754] Wilkes County, North Carolina Taxables (1787, 1788, 1789, 1790) Vol. III, 1789, Greers District, Jesse Counsel.
- [S1748] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Court Minutes 1789-1797, Vol III & IV, Vol III, p 3.
- [S1746] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1, p. 53, Grant to Aaron England.
- [S1746] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1, p. 58, Deed Book B-1, NC Land Grant to Blackburn.
- [S1746] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1, p. 72, Deed Book B-1, NC Land Grant to Jesse Councill.
- [S1759] Surry County, North Carolina Abstracts, Deed Books D, E, and F (1779-1797), p. 47.
- [S1741] 1790 US Federal Census, Wilkes Co, NC, Not Stated; Page 158; Jesse Council.
- [S1754] Wilkes County, North Carolina Taxables (1787, 1788, 1789, 1790) Vol. III, 1790, Greers distrct, Jesse Counsel.
- [S1748] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Court Minutes 1789-1797, Vol III & IV, Vol III, p 15.
- [S1755] Wilkes County, North Carolina Taxables (1791, 1792, 1793, 1794) Volume IV, 1791, Greer's Dist. Council, Jesse.
- [S1748] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Court Minutes 1789-1797, Vol III & IV, Vol III, p 27.
- [S1746] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1, p. 57, Deed Book B-1, Deed from Cobb to Reem.
- [S1745] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book D, F-1, & G-H, p. 148, Deed Book D, Jesse Councill to Edward Stockstill.
- [S1755] Wilkes County, North Carolina Taxables (1791, 1792, 1793, 1794) Volume IV, 1792, Greer's Dist. Council, Jesse.
- [S1759] Surry County, North Carolina Abstracts, Deed Books D, E, and F (1779-1797), p. 105.
- [S1755] Wilkes County, North Carolina Taxables (1791, 1792, 1793, 1794) Volume IV, 1793, Greer's Dist. Council, Jesse.
- [S1746] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1, p. 68, Deed Book B-1, Deed from England to Gren & Tompkins.
- [S1748] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Court Minutes 1789-1797, Vol III & IV, Vol III, p 46.
- [S1746] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1, p. 75, Deed Book B-1, Deed - Blackburn to Eggers.
- [S1755] Wilkes County, North Carolina Taxables (1791, 1792, 1793, 1794) Volume IV, 1794, Greer's Dist. Council, Jesse.
- [S1746] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1, p. 73, Deed Book B-1, Jesse Council to Jordan Council and Jesse Council to James Chambers.
- [S1748] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Court Minutes 1789-1797, Vol III & IV, Vol IV, p 1.
- [S1748] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Court Minutes 1789-1797, Vol III & IV, Vol IV, p 6.
- [S1746] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1, p. 85, Deed Book B-1, Deed from Witherspoon to Brown.
- [S1748] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Court Minutes 1789-1797, Vol III & IV, Vol IV, p 9.
- [S1745] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book D, F-1, & G-H, p. 153, Deed Book D, Ezekiel England to William Brown.
- [S1756] Wilkes County, North Carolina Taxables (1795, 1796, 1797, 1799) Volume V, 1795, Greers Dist, Jesse Council.
- [S1748] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Court Minutes 1789-1797, Vol III & IV, Vol IV, p 18.
- [S1746] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book A-1, B-1, C-1, p. 86, Deed Book B-1, NC Land Grant to John Ayers.
- [S1745] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book D, F-1, & G-H, p. 161, Deed Book D, Jesse Councill to Hodges Councill, Jesse Councill to Jordan Councill.
- [S1745] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book D, F-1, & G-H, p. 153, Deed Book D, Aaron England to Robert Shearer.
- [S1745] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book D, F-1, & G-H, p. 150, NC Land Grant to Landrene Eggers.
- [S1745] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Deed Book D, F-1, & G-H, p. 209, Deed Book D, grant to William Brown.
- [S1763] Tennessee, Knox Co., Court minutes, 1792-1887; index to minutes, 1792-1914, 13 September 2020; General Index to County Court Minute Books, Vol 1, p. 351.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1806, p. 8, Capt Chiles Co.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1807, Capt. Child's Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1808, Capt. Chile's Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1809, Capt. Chile's Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1810, Capt. Chile's Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1811, Capt. Chile's Company.
- [S1761] Tennessee, Knox Co., Administrators, executors and guardians records, 1792-1905, 12 September 2020; Administrators, Executors Settlement, vol 1, July 1792-Oct 1811, p. 365.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1812, Capt. Chile's Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1822, No 11 - Capt Ayers Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1823, No 14 - Capt Ayers Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1824, No 14, Capt Hardin's Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1825, No 10 Capt Hardin's Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1826, Capt. Hardin's Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1827, Capt. Harding's Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1828, Capt. Hardin's Company.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1829, Capt. Hardin's Company.
- [S460] 1830 US Federal Census, Knox Co, TN, Not Stated; p. 333, Jesse Council.
- [S1523] Knox Count Tax Books, 1806-1854, 1830, Capt. Hardin's Company.
- [S1743] Tennessee, Knox Co., Estate books, 1792-1863, 10 September 2020; Estate Book 5, 1830-1835, p 41, Jesse Council.
- [S1749] Wilkes County, North Carolina, Land Entry Book, 1778-1781, p. 539, 699.