Ancestors and Family of Brian Scott Dickson and Kathleen Ann Boyle Dickson

Zachariah Baker[1]

Name Zachariah Baker Gender Male Possessions 15 Jul 1760 Lunenburg, Virginia, United States [2]
received land grant for 154 acres - Land grant of 154 acres for 15 shillings
Possessions 23 May 1763 Lunenburg, Virginia, United States [3]
received a land grant of 223 acres - land grant of 223 acres on Butchers Creek for 25 shillings
Possessions 14 Oct 1765 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [4]
purchased land from Bazzell Waggstaff - Purchased land from Bazzell Waggstaff
for L 20 good and lawful money of Virginia
25 acres that adjoins land already owned by Zachariah Baker, perhaps on more than one side.
Misc 12 Oct 1766 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [5]
named surveyor of the road - Zachariah Baker is appointed Surveyor of the Road in the Room of Bazwell Wagstaff.
Misc 19 Feb 1767 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [6]
appeared in court - Farrar vs Zachariah Baker - in case
Misc 9 Mar 1767 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [7]
failed to appear in court - Farrar vs. Zachariah Baker. Baker failed to appear. Summary judgment against him. Damages to be decided by jury at the next court. Breach of promise.
Misc 14 Apr 1767 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [8]
appeared in court - jury trial to assess damages for non-performance of L 7.11.9 plus costs and interest from 14 Apr 1766
Misc 14 Mar 1768 Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States [9]
was overseer of the road - Ordered that Abram Hester's hands John Potter's hands at his Quarter and Edward Lewis's hands do work on the Road that Zachariah Baker is overseer of.
Misc 11 Apr 1768 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [10]
appeared in court - Benjamin Hopkins vs. Zachariah Baker
continued until next court.
Misc 11 Apr 1768 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [11]
appeared in court - Thomas Pleasants vs Zachariah Baker
Baker appeared in court, acknowledged the charge, and agreed to pay 11 L costs
Misc 11 Apr 1769 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [12]
appeared in court - Benjamin Hopkins vs. Zachariah Baker
Zachariah Baker vs Benjamin Hopkins
Suit and counter-suit between Zachariah Baker and Benjamin Hopkins. Under and umpire and arbitrator. Hopkins to pay the cost of his suit against Baker plus 13 shillings 4 pence and a half penny. Baker to pay the cost of his suit. Once payment is made, they will sign an agreemtn to release each other from all controversies associated with these cases.
Possessions 9 Jul 1769 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [13]
sold land to Robert Munford - To Robert Munford
for L 200 current money of Virginia
a fishing place on the Coro Hana and one acre of land
Misc 12 Sep 1769 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [14]
appeared in court - Sued Benjamin Rudd for assault & battery. Case was dismissed.
Misc 10 Mar 1772 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [15]
appeared in court records - Ordered that Robert Cunningham pay unto Zachariah Baker fifty pounds of tobacco for two days attendance as a witness for him at the suit of Stephen Mallett.
Misc 4 Aug 1772 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [16]
failed to appear in court - Joshua Nunn against Zachariah Baker
The defendant not being arrested on the motion of the Plaintiff by his attorney it is ordered that an Alias Capias issue against the said Defendant returnable to the next court.
Misc 11 Sep 1772 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [12]
appeared in court - A Negro Girl Nan belonging to Zacharia Baker adjudged to be twelve years old.
Will 29 Mar 1773 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [17]
Death Bef 12 Apr 1773 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [18, 19]
- No. 7, Zachariah Baker
Executors: Jane Baker, Edward Lewis
Security: Robert Munford
Bond Date: 16 May 1773
Bond: L 3000
Probate 10 May 1773 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [20]
- Will presented and proved in court
Probate 13 May 1773 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [18, 21]
Probate 12 Jan 1778 Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [22]
appraisal of his estate_AMTID 162485314578:1030:191555462 _UID 7137E69B323B4232A74A0E4C2D7EFC413D68 Person ID I732 Scott Dickson Last Modified 20 Jun 2020
Father William Baker, b. Hanover, Virginia, United States d. Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States
Mother Sarah d. Bef 5 Oct 1752, Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Family ID F978 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Jane Bressie d. Bef 14 Jul 1794, Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States [18]
Children + 1. William Baker, b. Bef 1763, Lunenburg, Virginia, United States d. Yes, date unknown
+ 2. Sarah Baker, b. Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States d. Aft 1830, Tennessee, United States
+ 3. Elizabeth Baker d. Bef 24 Mar 1794 4. Francis Bressie Baker 5. Maryanna Baker, b. 1770–1773, Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States d. Yes, date unknown
Family ID F407 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 31 Dec 2023
Event Map = Link to Google Earth
Notes - Mecklenburg County was Lunenburg County prior to 1765, so many of his records would be there. However, those are not available online at present.
Also receiving grants along Butchers Creek are
Josias Baker
Lawrence Baker
Thomas Baker
- Mecklenburg County was Lunenburg County prior to 1765, so many of his records would be there. However, those are not available online at present.
Sources - [S206] William Bayley of Jameston, Virginia, C. Tennyson.
- [S1647] Virginia Land Office Patents and Grants/Northern Neck Grants and Surveys, 14 June 2020; Virginia Patent Book 34, p. 559, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1647] Virginia Land Office Patents and Grants/Northern Neck Grants and Surveys, 14 June 2020; Virginia Patent Book 35, p. 167, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 22 April 2020; Deed Book 1, Page 179, Waggstaff to Bacar.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 1, p. 226, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 1, p. 267, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 1, p. 286, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 1, p. 312, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 1, p. 480, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 1, p. 492, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 1, p. 482, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 2, p. 219-220, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 22 April 2020; Deed Book 2, Page 256, Baker to Munford.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 2, p. 268, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 3, p. 167, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 3, p. 293, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1626] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Will records, 1765-1922 ; general index to wills and list of heirs, decedents, 1765-1948, 19 April 2020; Will Book 1, p. 152, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1624] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Fiduciary books, 1765-1947, 19 April 2020; Zachariah Baker.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 20 June 2020; County Order Book 3, p. 532, 12 Apr 1773.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 10 June 2020; Order Book 4, p. 4, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1629] Virginia, Mecklenburg, County Court order books, 1765-1904, 7 May 2020; County Order Book 4, p. 4, 10 May 1773, Zachariah Baker.
- [S1626] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Will records, 1765-1922 ; general index to wills and list of heirs, decedents, 1765-1948, 19 April 2020; Will Book 1, p. 252, Zachariah Baker.
- [S206] William Bayley of Jameston, Virginia, C. Tennyson.