
Ancestors and Family of Brian Scott Dickson and Kathleen Ann Boyle Dickson

Capt. Robert Marshall

Capt. Robert Marshall[1]

Male - 1820

Personal Information    |    Notes    |    Sources    |    Event Map    |    All    |    PDF

  • Name Robert Marshall 
    Prefix Capt. 
    Gender Male 
    Misc 1787  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    paid real estate property tax 
    • 1787 Mecklenburg County Land Tax Book
      Marshall, Robert
      Number of Acres: 300
      Average ???: 7/5
      Amount: 111.5.0
      Tax at ????: 1.3.4L

      Francis Marshall appears in this page. Samuel Marshall in a different district.
    Misc 19 Apr 1787  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    paid personal property tax 
    • 1787 Mecklenburg Personal Property Tax Book
      19 Apr 1787
      Robert Marshall
      WM > 21: 1
      WM 16-21: 0
      Slaves > 16: 6
      Slaves < 16: 7
      Horses: 4
      Cattle: 23

      Slaves > 16

      Slaves < 16
    Misc 14 Jun 1789  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    paid personal property tax 
    • 1789 Mecklenburg Personal Property Tax Book
      14 Jun 1789
      Robert Marshall
      WM > 16: 1
      Slaves > 16: 5
      Slaves < 16: 2
      Horses: 6

      Slaves > 16

      Slaves < 16
    Possessions 9 Dec 1789  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    purchased land from Richard Epperson 
    • This deed was witnessed by Beninijah Marshall. This hints strongly at a relation between Robert and the other Marshalls in the County.
    Misc 1790  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    paid real estate property tax 
    • 1790 Mecklenburg County Land Tax Book
      Robert Marshall
      Acres: 498
      Average per acre: 7/
      Amount: 174.6.0L
      Tax: 1.6.2L
    Possessions 26 Jan 1790  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [7
    purchased land from John Johnson 
    Misc 10 Apr 1790  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [8
    paid personal property tax 
    • 1790 Mecklenburg Personal Property Tax Book
      10 Apr 1790
      Robert Marshall
      WM > 16: 1
      Slaves > 16: 7
      Slaves < 16: 0
      Horses: 4
      1 Stud Horse

      Slaves > 16
    Misc 1791  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [9
    paid real estate property tax 
    • 1791 Mecklenburg County Land Tax Book
      Robert Marshall
      Acres: 518
      Amount per acre: 6/10
      Amount: 177.2.8L
      Tax: 0.13.4L

      Benajah Marshall appears in this record as well. I have not connected him yet.
    Possessions 18 Apr 1791  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [10
    sold land to Boyd 
    • Land adjoins Bailey
    Possessions 1 Jun 1791  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [11
    purchased land from John Hall 
    Misc 1792  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [12
    paid real estate property tax 
    • 1792 Mecklenburg Land Tax Book
      Robert Marshall
      Acres: 509
      Amount per acre: 6/10
      Amount: 174.11.2L
      Tax: 0.12.10

      Francis Marshall, Benajah Marshall are on this record
    Misc 1793  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [13
    paid real estate property tax on 509 acres 
    • 1793 Mecklenburg Land Tax Book
      Robert Marshall
      Acres: 509
      Amount per acre: 6/10
      Amount: 170.11.2
      Tax: 0.8.7
    Possessions 17 Jun 1793  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [14
    purchased land from Mary and Nathaniel Parham of Brunswick Co. 
    Misc 1794  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [15
    paid real estate property tax on 609 acres 
    • 1794 Mecklenburg Land Tax Book
      Robert Marshall
      Acres: 609
      Amount per acre: 7/1
      Amount: 215.3.9
      Tax: 0.10.4
    Misc 1795  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [16
    paid real estate property tax on 609 acres 
    • 1795 Mecklenburg Land Tax Book
      Robert Marshall
      Acres: 609
      Amount per acre: 7/1
      Amount: 215.3.9
      Tax: 0.10.9
    Misc 1796  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [17
    paid real estate property tax on 609 acres 
    • 1796 Mecklenburg Land Tax Book
      Robert Marshall
    Misc 11 May 1796  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [18
    paid personal property taxes 
    • 11 May 1796
      Marshall, Robert Thomas his son
      Tom, Spain, Peter, Major, James, Judy, Rose, Sue Hannah, Jane, Cate, & Sarah
      WM > 16: 2
      BM > 16: 12
      BM 12-16: 0
      Horses, mares, colts, mules: 8
    Misc 1797  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [19
    paid real estate property tax on 609 acres 
    • 1797 Mecklenburg Land Tax Book
      Robert Marshall
      609 acres
      $1.19 / acre
      value: $724.71
      Tax: $1.81
    Possessions 18 May 1797  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [20
    purchased land from Wilson 
    • Witnessed by John Hill
    Misc 1798  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [21
    paid real estate property tax on 672 1/2 acres 
    • 1798 Meckenburg Land Tax Book
      Robert Marshall
      672 1/2 acres
      $1.20 / acre
      Amount: $811.14
      Tax: $3.07
    Misc 1799  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [22
    paid real estate property tax on 867 1/2 acres 
    • 1799 Meckenburg Land Tax Book
      Robert Marshall
      867 1/2 acres
      $1.27 / acre
      value: $1101.59
      tax: $5.29
    Misc 25 Apr 1799  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [23
    helped his son and son-in-law with a mortgage 
    • See John Hill note
    Misc 1800  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [24
    paid real estate property tax on 867 1/2 acres 
    • 1800 Mecklenburg land tax book
      Capt. Robert Marshall
      867 1/2 acres
      $1.27 / acre
      value: $1101.59
      tax: $5.29
    Misc 21 Aug 1801  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [25
    party to deed of trust with John Hill and Thomas Marshall 
    • See John Hill note
    Possessions 15 Feb 1811  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [26
    sells land to Moody 
    • 80 acres sold to Benjamin Moody
      Purchased by Robert Marshall from Mary & Nathaniel Parham of Brunswick County
    Will 26 Apr 1817  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [27
    • In this will, Robert Marshall names his children, including Elizabeth Clark. This is the Elizabeth who married first John Hill and later John Clark. This connects Robert to our line and indicates who the rest of the family is.
    Death 1817–1820  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [27
    Probate 20 Mar 1820  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [27
    Probate 6 Apr 1820  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    • Estate inventory
    Probate 20 Feb 1823  Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [28
    • Sale of estate after his wife's death
    _AMTID 162485318391:1030:191555462 
    _UID 6F472D05F4624C58B334B5450215B076003E 
    Person ID I4431  Scott Dickson
    Last Modified 4 Aug 2023 

    Family Sarah   d. Bef Feb 1821, Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [29
     1. Thomas Marshall   d. Yes, date unknown
     2. Sarah Marshall   d. Abt Jan 1821, Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location
    +3. Elizabeth Marshall   d. Aft Oct 1830, Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location
     4. Alexander Marshall   d. Yes, date unknown
     5. Maj. William Marshall   d. Yes, date unknown
     6. John Marshall   d. Yes, date unknown
    +7. Mary Ann Marshall   d. Yes, date unknown
    Family ID F44  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 31 Dec 2023 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax - 1787 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid personal property tax - 19 Apr 1787 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid personal property tax - 14 Jun 1789 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - purchased land from Richard Epperson - 9 Dec 1789 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax - 1790 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - purchased land from John Johnson - 26 Jan 1790 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid personal property tax - 10 Apr 1790 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax - 1791 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - sold land to Boyd - 18 Apr 1791 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - purchased land from John Hall - 1 Jun 1791 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax - 1792 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax on 509 acres - 1793 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - purchased land from Mary and Nathaniel Parham of Brunswick Co. - 17 Jun 1793 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax on 609 acres - 1794 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax on 609 acres - 1795 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax on 609 acres - 1796 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid personal property taxes - 11 May 1796 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax on 609 acres - 1797 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - purchased land from Wilson - 18 May 1797 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax on 672 1/2 acres - 1798 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax on 867 1/2 acres - 1799 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - helped his son and son-in-law with a mortgage - 25 Apr 1799 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - paid real estate property tax on 867 1/2 acres - 1800 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - party to deed of trust with John Hill and Thomas Marshall - 21 Aug 1801 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - sells land to Moody - 15 Feb 1811 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsWill - 26 Apr 1817 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 1817–1820 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsProbate - 20 Mar 1820 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsProbate - 6 Apr 1820 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsProbate - 20 Feb 1823 - Mecklenburg, Virginia, United States Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Notes 
    • In his inventory, he is called Captain Robert Marshall. That could be a local militia captain or another military service.

  • Sources 
    1. [S1626] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Will records, 1765-1922 ; general index to wills and list of heirs, decedents, 1765-1948, 15 May 2020; Will Book 9, pp 119-120, Robert Marshall inventory, 6 Apr 1820.

    2. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1787 Land Tax Book, p. 12, Robert Marshall.

    3. [S1645] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Personal property tax lists, 1782-1850, 10 June 2020; 1787 Personal Property Tax Book, Robert Marshall.

    4. [S1645] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Personal property tax lists, 1782-1850, 10 June 2020; 1789 Personal Property Tax Book, Robert Marshall.

    5. [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 30 May 2020; Deed Book 7, page 544, Epperson to Robert Marshall.

    6. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1790 Land Tax Book, Robert Marshall.

    7. [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 30 May 2020; Deed Book 7, page 630, Johnson to Robert Marshall.

    8. [S1645] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Personal property tax lists, 1782-1850, 10 June 2020; 1790 Personal Property Tax Book, Robert Marshall.

    9. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1791 Land Tax Book, p. 14, Robert Marshall.

    10. [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 30 May 2020; Deed Book 8, p. 58, Robert Marshall to Boyd.

    11. [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 30 May 2020; Deed Book 8, p. 57, Hall to Robert Marshall.

    12. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1792 Land Tax Book, p. 14, Robert Marshall.

    13. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1793 Land Tax Book, p. 13, Robert Marshall.

    14. [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 30 May 2020; Deed Book 8, page 313, Parham to Robert Marshall.

    15. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1794 Land Tax Book, p. 13, Robert Marshall.

    16. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1795 Land Tax Book, p. 13, Robert Marshall.

    17. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1796 Land Tax Book, p. 13, Robert Marshall.

    18. [S1645] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Personal property tax lists, 1782-1850, 5 June 2020; 1796, Clausel's District, Robert Marshall.

    19. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1797 Land Tax Book, p. 13, Robert Marshall.

    20. [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 30 May 2020; Deed Book 9, p 373, Wilson to Robert Marshall.

    21. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1798 Land Tax Book, p. 13, Robert Marshall.

    22. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1799 Land Tax Book, p. 13, Robert Marshall.

    23. [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 22 June 2020; Deed Book 10, page 140, Mullins to Marshall.

    24. [S1646] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Land tax books, 1782-1800, 6 June 2020; 1800 Land Tax Book, p. 13, Robert Marshall.

    25. [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 22 June 2020; Deed Book 11, pages 34-25, Robards to Marshall & Wilson.

    26. [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 15 May 2020; Deed Book 14, page 360, Robert Marshall to Benjamin Moody.

    27. [S1626] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Will records, 1765-1922 ; general index to wills and list of heirs, decedents, 1765-1948, 15 May 2020; Will Book 9, pp109-110, Robert Marshall, 26 April 1817.

    28. [S1626] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Will records, 1765-1922 ; general index to wills and list of heirs, decedents, 1765-1948, 31 May 2020; Will Book 9, p. 437-440, Sarah Marshall - Estate Sale.

    29. [S1627] Virginia, Mecklenburg, Deed records, 1765-1905 ; general index to deeds, 1765-1933, 11 May 2020; Deed Book 24, Page 245, Francis B Bailey to William Townes.

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