
Ancestors and Family of Brian Scott Dickson and Kathleen Ann Boyle Dickson

Wesley Hudson

Wesley Hudson[1, 2, 3]

Male 1808 - 1889  (81 years)

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  • Name Wesley Hudson 
    Birth 19 Feb 1808  South Carolina, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    • A letter to John Wesley Hudson in 1899 confirms Wesley's birthdate
    Gender Male 
    Residence 1824  Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    • In order for Wesley to draw in the 1827 Georgia Land Lottery, he was required to be 18 years old and a resident of Georgia for at least the preceding three years. Since Wesley was a fortunate drawer in the 1827 lottery, he must have been in Georgia by 1824. Likewise, he had to be 18 years old in 1827, and therefore born by 1809.
    Possessions 18 Apr 1827  Jackson, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [5, 6
    fortunate drawer in 1827 Georgia Land Lottery 
    Roger's District 
    Possessions 29 Nov 1832  Madison, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [7
    purchased plot from Notley Gore for $200 
    • DEED: 29 Nov 1832. Wesley Hudson purchased a plot of land in Madison Co. from Notley Gore. This helps to confirm the birthdate as around 1808.

      Land described in the deed. Recorded 28 Oct 1835, Jackson County, Georgia.

      29 Nov 1832. Notley Gore of Jackson County to Wesley Hudson of Madison County. Land described in the deed sold for $200 on 29 Nov 1832. Deed written as Jackson County deed, but recorded in Madison County, 28 Oct 1835

      Land description from the deed: Beginning at a hickory thence No. 30 West 45 chains to a black oak corner and thence N 60 E 45 chains to a chestnut and thence S 30 E 40 chains to a pine corner on McBeaz line thence south 5 chains along sd line to a post oak thence S 59 West 42 ch 50 links along McBeaz line to the beginning hickory corner. "on the waters of South River", 100 acres more or less.
    Possessions 1833  Madison, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [8
    200 acres 
    Vanderford's District 
    • 1833 Georgia Property Tax Digest
      William Hudson, agent
      for Wesley Hudson, Madison County, 200 acres 3rd class, Watercourse B.R., granted to Gore, adjoining McRee, total tax 28 cents.

      The fact that William Hudson is listed as an agent for Wesley Hudson might suggest that William is Wesley's father or other close relative (since he is the one paying taxes for him) and that Wesley is out of the area at tax time.
    Possessions 24 Oct 1835  Madison, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [9
    deed from Wesley Hudson to William Sailors 
    • DEED: 24 Oct 1835. Wesley sold the plot of land he purchased from Notley Gore. In fact, the deeds were recorded simultaneously. I believe this is when he moved to Dekalb County from Madison

      24 Oct 1835. Deed from Wesley Hudson to William Sailors of the land Wesley purchased in 1832 from Notley Gore. Land described in the deed sold for $200. Recorded 29 Oct 1835.

      Land description from the deed: Beginning at a hickory thence No. 30 West 45 chains to a black oak corner and thence N 60 E 45 chains to a chestnut and thence S 30 E 40 chains to a pine corner on McBeaz line thence south 5 chains along sd line to a post oak thence S 59 West 42 ch 50 links along McBeaz line to the beginning hickory corner. "on the waters of South River", 100 acres more or less.
    Possessions 19 May 1838  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [10, 11, 12
    sold right of way to Western & Atlantic Railroad 
    • DEED: Wesley Hudson sold a right of way for a railroad grade with average width of 66 feet to Western & Atlantic Railroad. This right of way was located in lot 150, District 17, Dekalb County and was sold for the sum of $62. This land was part of the right of way for the W&A RR from the Chattahoochee River to the original "Terminus" of the railroad near present-day Five Points in downtown Atlanta. Right of way was purchased from eight people for the original railway. This purchase was part of the original formation of the city that was to become Atlanta. Today, this land is located along the western side of the campus of Georgia Tech in midtown Atlanta, between Techwood Drive and Marietta St., north of North Avenue.

      Wesley Hudson's sale of land to the W&ARR is noted in an Atlanta Constitution on 10 Aug 1894 as the State of Georgia & W&A RR seek a restraining order against the Southern railway for unauthorized connection to the W&A on the land sold by Wesley.

      Deed records for Dekalb County were destroyed in 1842. The only deeds prior to that are ones that were re-recorded.
    Residence 1839  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [13
    Misc Mar 1839  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [14
    was drawn as petit juror 
    • Wesley Hudson served as a Petit Juror in Dekalb County during the May and September 1839 terms of court.

      Petit jurors drawn Mar 1839 for next term
      Juror no. 6 - Wesley Hudson
    Misc 16 Sep 1839  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [15
    was drawn as petit juror 
    • Petit Jury No. 2 dawn Sept 16, 1839
      Juror no. 5 - Wesley Hudson
    Census 1840  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [16
    • Wesley Hudson is enumerated as Wiley Hudson in Dekalb County. The person enumerated is clearly Wesley since he is in the same spot as Wesley for years afterward and all of the members of the household exactly match Wesley's family. No other Wiley is found in this part of the state before or after.

      He is enumerated here as Wiley rather than Wesley, but he is the only Hudson in the area where he owned land and next door to his presumed brother-in-law, Hosea Maner.

      Enumeration: 110001-11001, 0 slaves, 6 people
    Misc Jul 1841  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [17
    was selected for a jury 
    • Jury drawn July 1841 for the next term
      Juror 18. Wesley Hudson
    Residence 1 Oct 1841  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [18
    • During the October 1841 session of the court, Wesley Hudson was listed as part of a team of men to lay out a new road "from Robert Lemon's to intersect with the Road at or near the (Peachtree) Creek between said Lemon's and Meredith Collier's". This road was also known as Montgomery Ferry Rd.
    Possessions 1848  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [19
    303 acres 
    Casey's District 
    • 1848 Georgia Property Tax Digest
      Wesley Hudson - 1 poll, 25 acres 2nd class, 278 acres 3rd class, lots 225, 145, district 17, total tax 91 cents.

      Located also in the district: David Hutson, Joel K Landers, John K Landers (no poll), Matthew Leachman, Hozea Maner
    Misc 10 Jan 1848  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [20
    appointed road commissioner 
    • Wesley Hudson was appointed road commissioner for the year, Militia District 469, Dekalb Co, along with Jesse Wood and Elijah Donahoo, J.P.
    Misc Sep 1848  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [21
    was drawn for grand jury service 
    • Grand jurors drawn Sept. term 1848 for March term 1849
      Juror no. 20 - Wesley Hudson
    Possessions 1849  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [22
    303 acres, District 17, lots 145, 225 
    Casey's District 
    • 1 poll, 303 acres 3rd class land, District 17, lots 145, 225, tax paid 86c, 5m

      Also in the district are
      Hudson, David - 1 poll
      Hudson, Manner - 1 poll
      Landers, John K - 1 poll
      Leachman, Matthew - 1 poll
      Manor, Hozier - 1 poll, 220 acres 3rd class, Dist. 17, lot 82
      Norton, Silas - 1 poll, 240 acres
    Census 3 Oct 1850  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [23
    • Wesley Hudson and several other Hudson families are all found in Casey's district in 1850. Hiram Casey was captain of the district. He was an Irishman who had lived previously in Madison, GA. Possibly, the Hudsons were associated with him there. See p. 19, Franklin Garrett's Notes on Old Dekalb and Fulton County Families 1874 - 1932.
    Occupation 3 Oct 1850  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [23
    Possessions 3 Oct 1850  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    real property $2000 
    Possessions 12 Dec 1850  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [24
    purchase from James B.M. Landers 
    • DEED: 12 Dec 1850 - Wesley Hudson purchased from James B.M. Landers approximately 100 acres in the north half of lot number 145 in the 14th district of Dekalb Co, in the part of Dekalb County that was originally in Henry Co. for the sum of $_25.
    Possessions 22 Feb 1853  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [25
    purchase from James B.M. Landers 
    • DEED: 22 Feb 1853 - Wesley Hudson purchased from James B.M. Landers lot 225 in the 17th district of Dekalb Co., in the part of Dekalb Co.that formerly was part of Henry Co., for $850.
    Misc 4 Oct 1853  Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [26
    was drawn as petit juror 
    • Petit Jury No. 1, sworn Oct 4, 1853
      Juror No. 1 - Wesley Hudson
    Misc 3 Apr 1854  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [27
    was empaneled for grand jury service 
    • Grand Jury empaneled & sworn - April 3, 1854
      Juror No. 3 - Wesley Hudson
    Possessions 1856  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [28
    303 3/4 acres 
    Cook's District 
    • 1856 Georgia Property Tax Digest
      Wesley Hudson - 1 poll, 3 children aged 8-16, 25 acres 2nd class, 177 1/2 acres 3rd class, lot 224, district 17, 25 acres 2nd class, 76 1/4 acres 3rd class, lot 144, district 14, value $3000. No slaves, Cash $136, personal property $656, total value $3792, taxable value $3592, poll tax 25 cents, total tax $3.48.2

      Also located in the district: Giles Hudson, Erwin Hudson, William Hudson, Notley Hudson
    Possessions 1857  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [29
    303 acres, district 17, lots 225, 245 
    Cook's District 
    • 1857 Georgia Property Tax Digest
      Wesley Hudson - 1 poll, 3 children 8 to 16 years old, 25 acres 2nd class, 177 1/2 ac 3rd class lot 225, district 17, 101 1/4 ac 3rd class land, lot 245, district 17, value $3000. 2 slaves, valued at zero, personal property $660, total value $3660, taxable value $3460. poll tax 25 cents, total tax $3.01

      Also located in the district: Giles Hudson, Notley Hudson
    Possessions 1859  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [30
    300 acres, district 17, lots 224, 145 
    Cook's District 
    • 1859 Georgia Property Tax Digest
      Wesley Hudson - 1 poll, 2 children aged 8 to 16, 75 acres 2nd class, 225 acres 3rd class, 300 acres total, lots 145, 224, district 17, Fulton county, value $3000, cash $125, property value $700. Total real & personal property $3825, taxable value $3625, tax on poll 25 cents

      Located nearby: Giles Hudson, William Hutson (son), Notley Hudson
    Misc 4 Apr 1859  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [31
    was drawn for petit jury service 
    • Petit Jury #2, Sworn April 4, 1859
      Juror No. 10. - Wesley Hudson
    Census 21 Jul 1860  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [32
    Misc 2 Oct 1860  Dallas, Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [33
    was listed in sale of land by auction 
    • Recorded in Court of Ordinary, Fulton County Georgia, but also recorded in Paulding County Deeds.

      Wesley Hudson, adm. of A. (Andrew) J. Walraven, dec'd. to J.J. Gregory and J.T. Read of Paulding Co. at auction by public outcry, Lot No. 3, Block A, in the town of Dallas.

      Beginning on 6 Aug 1860, advertised in Temperance Crusader and at the Paulding County Courthouse. Sold lot 2 Oct 1860, recorded 4 Oct 1860 for $326.50

      No record found yet of Wesley Hudson being appointed administrator for A.J. Walraven.
    Occupation 21 Oct 1860  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [32
    Possessions 13 Oct 1862  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [34
    purchase of land from James C.N. (J.C.H.) Fort 
    • DEED: 13 Oct 1862 - Wesley Hudson purchased from James C.N. Fort 200 acres consisting of lots 574, 575, 578, 579, 580 in District 2, Section 3, Paulding Co., GA for $2500.

      Fort, J.C.H. of Paulding County to Westly Hudson of Fulton County, lots 573, 574, 578, 579, 580, District 2, Section 3, Paulding County, Georgia for $2500 in hand paid.

      Sale transacted 13 Oct 1862, recorded 17 Apr 1863
    Misc 14 Oct 1862  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [34
    purchase of slave from B.F. (B.S.) Crenshaw. 
    • DEED: 14 Oct 1862 - Wesley Hudson purchased a slave from B.F. Crenshaw for $1250. This slave, named George, was a male, presumed to be about 27 years old and described as dark complected

      Sale transacted in Atlanta, 4 Oct 1862
      Received $1250 for negro man by the name of George, about 27 years old, dark complexion. "The said boy I warrant to be a slave and sound in body and mind."

      Recorded, Paulding County, 17 Apr 1863
    Military 7 Jul 1863  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [35, 36, 37
    Co. A, 9th Battalion, Georgia Cavalry Guard, CSA 
    • Co. F, 9th Battalion, Georgia Cavalry Guard, CSA
    Military 1 Nov 1863  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [37
    re-enlisted in Co. F, 9th Batt'n Cavalry, Georgia State Guards 
    Census 1864  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [38
    • Wesley Hudson listed in the 1864 Census to Re-Organize the Georiga Militia. Listed in the 38th Senatorial District, 1087 Militia district of Paulding Co., 56 years old, born in South Carolina, occupation: farmer.

      1864 Census for Re-Organizing the Georgia Militia
    Military 1864  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [39
    Georgia Militia, 38th Senatorial District, Militia District 1087,Paulding Co., Georgia 
    • Georgia Militia, 38th Senatorial District, Militia District 1087,Paulding Co., Georgia
    Residence 1866  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [40
    Pumpkinvine District 
    • 1866 - Wesley Hudson appears on the Pumpkinvine District, Paulding Co., GA tax list

      Found in the 1866 Paulding County tax list.

      Wesley Hudson - 1 poll, 6 sheep, 1 dog, 3 of his own children under 18 in the house, 200 acres of land, Paulding county section 3, district 2, lots 573, 574, 575, 579, 580, valued at $1000. Personal property value - $326
    Religion 22 Jul 1866  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Pumpkinvine District 
    • RELIGION: Wesley Hudson was active in the Pumpkinvine Baptist Church, Paulding Co., Ga. He joined by letter of transfer on 22 July 1866.By 1867, a J.W. Hudson was appointed to the church committee. This could be a reference to Wesley's son, John Wesley, who would have been of age by that time. In general, when referring to Wesley in the church minutes, he is called W. Hudson or Wesley Hudson. However, one other notable occasion refers to an ambiguous J. W. Hudson. In July 1867, Wesley was appointed delegate to a general meeting. 14 Feb 1874 he made an acknowledgement to the church for drinking too much. 16 Dec 1876 he Wesley was charged with adultery and dismissed . (also charged Malinda Moore with the same). Shortly after this, Wesley moved back to Atlanta.
    Residence 1867  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [41
    Pumpkinvine District 
    • RESIDENCE: 1867 - Wesley Hudson appears on list of qualified voters, created under the reconstruction act of 1867, for Pumpkinvine District, Paulding Co., GA.

      Found on 1867 Paulding County tax list.

      Wesley Hudson - 1 poll, 4 children of his own under 18, 1 child for whom he is guardian, 200 acres, Paulding County section 3, district 2, lots 573, 574, 575, 579, 580, personal property $ 350
    Residence 14 Jul 1867  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [42
    Pumpkinvine District 
    Residence 1868  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [43
    Pumpkinvine District 
    • RESIDENCE: 1868 - Wesley Hudson appears on the Pumpkinvine District, Paulding Co., GA tax list

      Found in 1868 Paulding County tax list

      Wesley Hudson - no poll, 4 children of his own under 18, 1 child for whom he is guardian, 200 acres, Paulding County section 3 district 2, lots 573, 574, 575, 579, 580, value $1200, personal property $394
    Possessions 1869  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [44
    District 1087 
    • 1869 Georgia Property Tax Digest
      Wesley Hudson - no poll, 3 children between 6 & 18, 2 children between 6 & 18 that he is guardian for, 200 acres, Paulding Co, district 2, section 3, no lots specified, valued at $1500. Personal property $350, total value $1850. Taxable value $1650.
    Residence 1869  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [45
    Pumpkinvine District 
    • RESIDENCE: 1869 - Wesley Hudson appears on the Pumpkinvine District, Paulding Co., GA tax list

      Wesley Hudson - no poll, 3 of his own children under 18, 2 children for whom he is guardian, 200 acres, Paulding County, section 3 district 2, lots 573, 574, 575, 579, 580, value $1500, personal property $350
    Possessions 5 Jun 1869  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [46
    sale to Thomas Moore & Benjamine F. Maudlin 
    • DEED: 5 Jun 1869 - Wesley Hudson sold the land in Fulton Co. (originally Dekalb Co.) that he purchased from JBM Landers in 1850 and 1853. This includes part of three lots: lot 125 in the 17th District,lots 144 and 145 in the 15th District.
    Residence 1870  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [47
    Pumpkinvine District 
    • RESIDENCE: 1870 - Wesley Hudson appears on the Pumpkinvine District, Paulding Co., GA tax list

      Wesley Hudson - no poll, 3 of his own children under 18, 2 children for whom he is guardian, 200 acres Paulding County, section 3 district 2, lots 207, 208, 573, 574, 575, value $1500, personal property $500
    Possessions Bef 1871  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [48
    purchase from William H. Stephens 
    • DEED: 1871 - Wesley Hudson sold land to James F. Leonard, John D. Golding, and J.D. Lockhart and purchased land from William H.Stephens. All of these transactions are listed in the general index to deed for Fulton Co., GA as being in either Book B or Book F. Of all of the old deed records of Fulton County, these two books are the only ones that are missing. Therefore, the details of these transactions are not known.
    Possessions Bef 1871  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [49
    sale to J.D. Lockhart 
    Possessions Bef 1871  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [50
    sale to James F. Leonard 
    Possessions Bef 1871  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [51
    sale to John D. Golding 
    Residence 1871  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [52
    Pumpkinvine District 
    • RESIDENCE: 1871 - Wesley Hudson appears on the Pumpkinvine District, Paulding Co., GA tax list
    Misc 8 Sep 1873  Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [53
    listed as security for a defendant in a court case. 
    Religion 16 Dec 1876  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Pumpkinvine District 
    • dismissed from Pumpkinvine Baptist Church
    Residence 1878  Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [54
    341 Mangum St. 
    • RESIDENCE: 1878 - Wesley Hudson appears in an Atlanta City Directory.His residence is at 341 Mangum St. and he is listed as a carpenter.
    Residence 12 May 1878  Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [55
    • RESIDENCE: 1878 - Wesley Hudson is listed as having mail waiting in the Atlanta post office, 12 May 1878
    Residence 18 Jun 1878  Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [56, 57
    sworn in as a petit juror for the week 
    • RESIDENCE: 1878 - Wesley Hudson is listed in a group of petit jurors sworn in for the week of June 18, 1878
    Misc 9 Nov 1878  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [58
    sold land 
    • Transaction date 4 Nov 1878, Recorded 9 Nov 1878

      Wesley Hudson of Fulton Co to Stephen N. Allen of Paulding County, for $2500 in hand paid, lots 579, 574, 573, 578, 580, district 2, section 3, originally Cherokee County, now Paulding County, 40 acres each lot
    Residence 1879  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [59, 60
    341 Mangum St. 
    • RESIDENCE: 1879 - Wesley Hudson appears on the Fulton County Tax List.

      RESIDENCE: 1879 - Wesley Hudson appears in a different Atlanta City Directory. His residence is 341 Mangum St. and he is listed as a carpenter.
    Residence 1879  Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [60
    345 Henry St. 
    • RESIDENCE: 1879 - Wesley Hudson appears in an Atlanta City Directory. His residence is 345 Henry St.
    Residence 1880  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [61, 62
    345 Henry St. 
    • RESIDENCE: 1880 - Wesley Hudson appears in two different Atlanta City directories. His residence is 345 Henry St.

      RESIDENCE: 1880 - Wesley Hudson appears on the Fulton County Tax List
    Census 9 Jun 1880  Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [63
    Residence 1881  Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [64
    north side of Henry St., 3 doors west of Mangum St 
    • RESIDENCE: 1881 - Wesley Hudson appears in an Atlanta City Directory. His residence is listed as the north side of Henry St., 3 doors west of Mangum St. This is located pretty much under the current Georgia World Congress Center north parking lot.
    Residence 1882  Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [65
    48 Henry St. 
    • RESIDENCE: 1882 - Wesley Hudson appears in an Atlanta City Directory. His residence is listed as 48 Henry St.
    Misc 1 Nov 1883  Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [66
    appeared as a witness for the prosecution in a murder trial 
    Residence 8 Nov 1883  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [67
    _AMTID 162485317752:1030:191555462 
    _FSFTID K468-YFG 
    _UID 218C493B96F141C38298A682C2F81DC99EA2 
    Death 16 Oct 1889  Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [35, 67
    • DEATH: His death is noted in the Paulding New Era newspaper on 25 Oct 1889. He fell, cut his head on a fence and died. The story is recounted as follows: "Uncle Wesley Hudson of this county departed life last Wednesday night at nine o'clock. He fell against the fence the day before and received the wound on his head that caused his death and was interred at the Lane grave yard yesterday evening. The deceased was over 80 years old and the writer spent a part of the day with him last Saturday and he remarked that he knew his time here was very short and said further that he had decided for some time to live as near in the path of duty as he could and to do all of the good that he could but we did not know that his time was so short. He was everybody's friend but a special friend of the writer and we are sad on account of his departure."
    Burial Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [35, 68
    Lane Cemetery 
    • Wesley Hudson has a Confederate headstone that is incorrect on almost every count - birth year, death year, and name are all incorrect. The unit he served with also appears incorrect.

      BURIAL: Wesley is buried in the Lane Cemetery, just off Pumpkinvine Rd., GA 120, south of Dallas, GA. Horace Lane, in the 1980's, did much work to rehabilitate the cemetery. In doing this, he placed new stones on the graves of Wesley and Betsy Hudson. Owing to his confusion over Wesley Hudson's name, the name on the stone is incorrectly listed as John Wesley Hudson.
    Person ID I3785  Scott Dickson
    Last Modified 10 Jan 2023 

    Family 1 Elizabeth Ann Landers,   b. 16 Mar 1816, South Carolina, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 16 Feb 1884, Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 67 years) 
    Marriage 6 Jul 1831  Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [35, 69
    • Based on Wesley's location in Jackson & Madison Counties, this marriage probably took place in one of these two places. Likewise, Betsy's family was likely in this area.
    +1. Laura W. Hudson,   b. 19 Oct 1832, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
    +2. William Irvin Hudson,   b. 21 Jul 1834, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Cobb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location
     3. Silas N. Hudson,   b. 28 Dec 1836, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 20 Sep 1841, Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 4 years)
     4. Susan C. Hudson,   b. 27 Feb 1840, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 27 Mar 1858, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 18 years)
    +5. John Wesley Hudson,   b. 3 Feb 1842, Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 13 Jun 1925, Prescott, Nevada, Arkansas, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 83 years)
    +6. Ann Catherine Hudson,   b. 18 May 1844, Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 23 Apr 1925, Wichita Falls, Wichita, Texas, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 80 years)
    +7. Jane Hudson,   b. 14 Feb 1847, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 10 Dec 1884, Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 37 years)
    +8. Rhoda T. Hudson,   b. 14 Mar 1849, Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 15 Dec 1913, Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 64 years)
     9. Elizabeth Hudson,   b. 28 Jun 1851, Dekalb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 9 Jul 1859, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 8 years)
    +10. Benjamin Franklin Pierce Hudson,   b. 22 Dec 1854, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1 Nov 1925, Dallas, Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years)
    +11. George Wesley Hudson,   b. 17 Oct 1856, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 7 Jan 1926, Paulding, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 69 years)
    +12. Charles David Hudson,   b. 12 Jul 1860, Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 13 Dec 1937, Texarkana, Miller, Arkansas, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 77 years)
    Family ID F235  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 31 Dec 2023 

    Family 2 Matilda J.,   b. Jul 1826, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 28 Jun 1903, Macon, Bibb, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 76 years) 
    Marriage 31 Mar 1884  Fulton, Georgia, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [70
    Family ID F1585  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 31 Dec 2023 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 19 Feb 1808 - South Carolina, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1824 - Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - fortunate drawer in 1827 Georgia Land Lottery,Address:
    Roger's District - 18 Apr 1827 - Jackson, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 6 Jul 1831 - Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - purchased plot from Notley Gore for $200 - 29 Nov 1832 - Madison, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - 200 acres,Address:
    Vanderford's District - 1833 - Madison, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - deed from Wesley Hudson to William Sailors - 24 Oct 1835 - Madison, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - sold right of way to Western & Atlantic Railroad - 19 May 1838 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1839 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - was drawn as petit juror - Mar 1839 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - was drawn as petit juror - 16 Sep 1839 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1840 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - was selected for a jury - Jul 1841 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1 Oct 1841 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - 303 acres,Address:
    Casey's District - 1848 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - appointed road commissioner - 10 Jan 1848 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - was drawn for grand jury service - Sep 1848 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - 303 acres, District 17, lots 145, 225,Address:
    Casey's District - 1849 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 3 Oct 1850 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - farmer - 3 Oct 1850 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - real property $2000 - 3 Oct 1850 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - purchase from James B.M. Landers - 12 Dec 1850 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - purchase from James B.M. Landers - 22 Feb 1853 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - was drawn as petit juror - 4 Oct 1853 - DeKalb, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - was empaneled for grand jury service - 3 Apr 1854 - Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - 303 3/4 acres,Address:
    Cook's District - 1856 - Fulton, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - 303 acres, district 17, lots 225, 245,Address:
    Cook's District - 1857 - Fulton, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - 300 acres, district 17, lots 224, 145,Address:
    Cook's District - 1859 - Fulton, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - was drawn for petit jury service - 4 Apr 1859 - Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 21 Jul 1860 - Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - was listed in sale of land by auction - 2 Oct 1860 - Dallas, Paulding, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsOccupation - farmer - 21 Oct 1860 - Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - purchase of land from James C.N. (J.C.H.) Fort - 13 Oct 1862 - Paulding, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - purchase of slave from B.F. (B.S.) Crenshaw. - 14 Oct 1862 - Paulding, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMilitary - Co. A, 9th Battalion, Georgia Cavalry Guard, CSA - 7 Jul 1863 - Paulding, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMilitary - re-enlisted in Co. F, 9th Batt'n Cavalry, Georgia State Guards - 1 Nov 1863 - Paulding, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1864 - Paulding, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMilitary - Georgia Militia, 38th Senatorial District, Militia District 1087,Paulding Co., Georgia - 1864 - Paulding, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    Pumpkinvine District - 1866 - Paulding, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsReligion - Address:
    Pumpkinvine District - 22 Jul 1866 - Paulding, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    Pumpkinvine District - 1867 - Paulding, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    Pumpkinvine District - 14 Jul 1867 - Paulding, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    Pumpkinvine District - 1868 - Paulding, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - Address:
    District 1087 - 1869 - Paulding, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    Pumpkinvine District - 1869 - Paulding, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - sale to Thomas Moore & Benjamine F. Maudlin - 5 Jun 1869 - Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    Pumpkinvine District - 1870 - Paulding, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - purchase from William H. Stephens - Bef 1871 - Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - sale to J.D. Lockhart - Bef 1871 - Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - sale to James F. Leonard - Bef 1871 - Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPossessions - sale to John D. Golding - Bef 1871 - Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    Pumpkinvine District - 1871 - Paulding, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - listed as security for a defendant in a court case. - 8 Sep 1873 - Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsReligion - Address:
    Pumpkinvine District - 16 Dec 1876 - Paulding, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    341 Mangum St. - 1878 - Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 12 May 1878 - Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - sworn in as a petit juror for the week - 18 Jun 1878 - Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - sold land - 9 Nov 1878 - Paulding, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    341 Mangum St. - 1879 - Fulton, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    345 Henry St. - 1879 - Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    345 Henry St. - 1880 - Fulton, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 9 Jun 1880 - Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    north side of Henry St., 3 doors west of Mangum St - 1881 - Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Address:
    48 Henry St. - 1882 - Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMisc - appeared as a witness for the prosecution in a murder trial - 1 Nov 1883 - Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 8 Nov 1883 - Paulding, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 31 Mar 1884 - Fulton, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 16 Oct 1889 - Paulding, Georgia, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - Address:
    Lane Cemetery - - Paulding, Georgia, United States
    Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Notes 
    • In early Madison County records, there are Gore, Adair, Landers, Sailors, Hudson, Lane who all end up in Paulding County later on. However, these records in Family Search require being at the FHC or an affilliate library.

      There are several useful pages in Franklin Garrett's Notes on Old Families of Dekalb & Fulton Counties 1875-1932.
      p. 19 - Hiram Casey - captain of the district where the Hudsons are found in 1850. Irish immigrant. Came to Dekalb from Madison, Georgia.
      p. 32 - Wesley Hudson burial
      p. 79-80 - Wesley Hudson - owned most of Simsville.

      Lottery: It appears that Wesley Hudson was a fortunate drawer in the 1827 land lottery in Jackson Co., GA. I need to confirm this.

      Democrat Meeting: Westly Hudson is listed as a delegate from Cook's District of Fulton County to the Fulton Democratic Meeting according to the Atlanta Weekly Intelligencer, 12 May 1859, p. 1

      Letters of Guardianship: Wesley Hudson and William Cannon apply for letters of guardianship for the persons and property of George R. Cash and Allison Cash, orphans of George W. Cash, dec'd. (Southern Confederacy newspaper, August 24, 1862, p. 4)

      CENSUS: Wesley Hudson is not found in a line-by-line search of the 1870 Paulding County Census.


      Wesley Hudson was born in SC around 1808. At some point, he (and maybe his family) moved to Georgia. Wesley Hudson appears in Georgia by the time of his marriage to Elizabeth Landers in 1831. It is not clear where in Georgia he first landed, or where he was married. By 1840, he is found in Dekalb County, GA. Wesley Hudson married Elizabeth (Betsy Ann) Landers in 1831 and they had twelve children. Throughout the 1850’s and 1860’s, Wesley bought and sold land in the 14th and 17th districts of Dekalb County, which became Fulton County in 1853. This land was primarily located to the west of present day Georiga Tech and just to the west of the Fulton County Prison and Animal Control. Sometime between 1862 and 1866, Wesley and family moved from Fulton County to Paulding County, Georgia. They located in the Pumpkinvine community, just to the south of Dallas, Ga, along present day GA 120. Betsy Ann died in 1884. And Wesley died in October of 1889.

      Connected Families

      In 1850, Wesley appears in Dekalb County surrounded by other Hudsons, many of whom are likely to be related. In the Casey's District, there are several Hudson families. In particular, we find in dwelling 30, Notley Hudson (age 32), in dwelling 36, Catharine Hudson (age 30, in the household of Zilpha Wood), dwelling 92, Wesley Hudson (age 42),dwelling 94, Jane Hudson (age 60), dwelling 95, David Hudson (age 25). Farther along, in dwelling 111, we find Calvin Hudson (age 21). In addition to the families named Hudson, there are other related families here. In dwelling 93, Laura W. Carter, daughter of Wesley Hudson is listed with her husband Nelson. In dwelling 98, Rosanna Leachman is listed with her husband Matthew. According to the IGI, there is a marriage record in Jackson Co., Georgia in 1839 for Matthew Leachman and Rosiana Hudson. It would make sense that that Jane Hudson is the matriarch of this group and that at least Wesley, Notley, David are all her sons. Maybe. Or maybe they are cousins.In any case, they appear to be connected.

      By 1860, in addition to these families, we also find a Giles Hudson and a Manning Hudson close at hand that could be connected as well. Manning Hudson appears to move into Campbell County, so maybe he’s not quite as connected.

      Rhoda Hudson married John G. Wood in 1866 in Paulding County.However, there is a John G Wood enumerated in 1850 just a few dwellings away from Wesley Hudson in the household of Elias Wood.This could well be another connection.

      David Hudson married an Elizabeth Wood in 1845 in this district. She did not live long and David remarried in 1848. If it could be shown that both John G. and Elizabeth were from the same family, this would help with showing some kind of connection between David’s family and that of Wesley. It is known that David moved on to Alabama in about 1855.

      Clearly, all of these Hudson families are somehow connected. They also intertwine with the neighbor families. More research is required to sort out the ties. The fact that all Dekalb County records prior to 1842 were lost in a fire hampers our ability to trace this more efficiently.

      On the Landers side, there are some connections floating around as well that I will mention, though these will be followed in more depth in the Landers section. In 1860, Rebecca Landers, age 55, is enumerated with Wesley's family. After some confusion over the relation ship to Rebecca, the 1880 census shows her listed as an aunt, presumably Elizabeth’s aunt. And she is listed as single, so perhaps she is a spinster sister to Elizabeth’s father.


      There has been some confusion over Wesley’s name. The tradition passed along in the Arkansas branch of the family was that his name was George Wesley Hudson. However, his tombstone, which was placed in the 1990’s by Howard Lane of Dallas, GA, reads John Wesley Hudson.Wesley himself is always referred to as just Wesley in any documents found to date. He confounds the problem somewhat by naming two sons after himself: John Wesley who went to Arkansas, and George Wesley who remained in Dallas. It seems likely that George Wesley was also called Wesley during his life. That would lend some credence to Wesley’s true name being George Wesley. However, since he himself was always called Wesley, until this can be resolved, he will be referred to as Wesley.

      Pumpkinvine Baptist Church

      One of the main places where Wesley’s name can be traced is in the church minutes for Pumpkinvine Baptist Church. Over a period of some 20 years, the Hudsons appear quite frequently. Initially, when Wesley joins the church, he is referred to as Wesley Hudson. A year later,in 1867, a J.W. Hudson takes a position on the church committee. This could have been Wesley’s son, John Wesley, since he was of age and had not yet left for Arkansas, but in light of the fact that Wesley was still around, it seems much more likely to refer to him. Most of the other references to him are clearly to W. Hudson or Wesley Hudson and are pretty much unambiguous, since his son was called John and his younger son, George Wesley, called Wesley, was not yet of age.

      Wesley Hudson served on a number of church committees and was often called upon to visit and talk with church members who had gone astray and then to act to either include or exclude them from the church.He, himself, became the target of this same kind of activity. On 14 Feb 1874, Wesley Hudson acknowledged before the assembly that he had been drinking too much. Apparently this was resolved, since he was not excluded from the fellowship.

      On 16 Dec 1876, Wesley Hudson and Matilda Moore were excluded from the church for living in sin. At first, I believed this must be a clue that Elizabeth and Rebecca had died and left Matilda and Wesley alone. But, the 1880 census shows both of them alive and well. I do not understand quite what would have caused this exclusion without also estranging Elizabeth. I believe at that time that Wesley moved his membership to Dallas Baptist Church. On 17 Nov 1877, the church received a petition for restoration from J.W. Hudson. John Wesley Hudson had already gone to Arkansas by this time, so this is somewhat confusing. Wesley had been excluded from the fellowship and would need a letter of restoration before he could transfer his letter of membership to another church. But, if this is a reference to Wesley,it goes back to the confusion over his name.

      According to Franklin Garrett's Necrology, at one time, Wesley Hudson owned all of the property around the present (1932) site of Simsville in Fulton Co. More interestingly, Garrett describes the origins of the City of Atlanta, grown up around the "Terminus" of the Western &Atlantic Railroad. Wesley Hudson is listed as one of the pioneers in the area to sell land for the initial right-of-way from the railroad's crossing of the Chattahoochee River to its Terminus in Land Lot 78, District 14, approximately at the current intersection of Foundry St.and the W&ARR.

      Where he's not:
      1870 Georgia Census index
      1870 Paulding Census
      1870 Fulton Census (where he was before)
      1873 Fulton tax digest
      1884 Fulton tax digest
      1885 Fulton tax digest
      Newton Co. marriages, estates, wills, deeds
      Dekalb Co. marriages
      Henry Co. marriages, estates
      Jackson Co. marriages
      Clarke Co. marriages
      Madison Co. marriages
      Franklin Co. marriages
      Gwinnett Co. marriages, inferior court
      Fayette Co. marriages
      Jefferson Co. wills
      Elbert marriages
      Jackson wills
      Franklin County estates, marriages
      Madison Co. tax digest 1830, 1832
      Jackson Co tax digest 1829, 1827
      Utoy Primitive Baptist Church records, Fulton Co
      Fulton / Dekalb Tax digest - 1846, 1847, 1854, 1855 (Fragmented list)
      Nancy Creek Primitive Baptist Church records, Chamblee, GA
      Concord Baptist Church records, Mableton, Cobb Co, GA (lots of early Gann names)
      Walnut Fork Baptist Church, Jackson Co, GA records
      Dekalb Co index to wills, estates, ordinary court minutes

      Where to check next:
      GA State Census records - 1834, 1838, etc.

      1830 US Census - Madison County, Georgia
      p. 103
      Line 9 - John H. Hudson - 100001-10001-2 male slaves < 10 - 6
      Line 20 - Lewis Landers - 111001-21001-8
      Line 27 - Benjamin Landers - 10011-10001-5
      p. 106
      Line 8 - Notley Gore - 011111-110001-8
      p 107
      Line 6 - John Landers - 201001-011001-1 female slave 55-100-8
      Line 12 - Manning H. Gore - 01000001-0100001-4
      p. 110
      line 10 - John C. Landers - 0000001-2121101-9
      p. 117
      Line 2 - William Hudson - 012120001-0110001-10
      p. 118
      Line 24 - Sarah Landers 0-0011001-3
      Based on the 1830 census, assuing Wesley & Elizabeth did marry in 1831, then they were probably in Madison in 1830. William is the only Hudson in the county where Wesley fits. John C. Landers, a name we keep coming back to, could be her father. But she also fits in Sarah Landers household.

      1820 US Census, Madison County, GA
      William Adare
      Bozeman Adare
      No Hudsons or Gore in 1820

  • Sources 
    1. [S77] The First Hundred and Fifty Years of Pumpkinvine B.

    2. [S38] Necrology of Atlanta and Environs, Roll 5, Frame 307-8.

    3. [S39] Reconstruction Registration Oath Books, Volume 236, Paulding Co., p. 30.

    4. [S1855] Letter from W.H. Hudson to John W. Hudson, July 1877 (Reliability: 2).

    5. [S1853] Reprint of Official Register of Land Lottery of Georgia, 1827, 5 April 2022; p. 115, Wesley Hudson, Jackson County.

    6. [S1672] Georgia Land Lottery, 1827, 5 April 2022; Wesley Hudson, 37th day drawing, Jackson County.

    7. [S914] Georgia, Madison Co., Deed Book F 1831-1835, p. 424; Notley Gore to Wesley Hudson.

    8. [S807] Georgia, Property Tax Digests 1793-1893, 15 October 2012; Madison County, Vanderford's District, 1833, Wesley Hudson.

    9. [S914] Georgia, Madison Co., Deed Book F 1831-1835, p. 425; Wesley Hudson to William Sailors.

    10. [S80] Deed Book L, Dekalb County, Georgia, p. 546.

    11. [S81] Atlanta and Environs: A Chronicle of its People an, Volume 1, Page 157.

    12. [S1500] Atlanta Constitution, Litigation Bugun - Georgia and the Western and Atlantic Secure a Restraining Order; 10 August 1894; page 8, column 1; 1 June 2019.

    13. [S82] Superior Court Minute Book A, Dekalb County, Georg.

    14. [S481] Garrett's Necrology - Dekalb Jurors, p. 183.

    15. [S481] Garrett's Necrology - Dekalb Jurors, p. 185.

    16. [S464] 1840 US Federal Census, Dekalb Co, GA, District 469; page 35; Wiley Hudson.

    17. [S481] Garrett's Necrology - Dekalb Jurors, p. 155.

    18. [S84] Pioneer Citizens' History of Atlanta - 1833 to 190.

    19. [S807] Georgia, Property Tax Digests 1793-1893, 15 October 2012; Dekalb County, Casey's District, 1848, Wesley Hudson.

    20. [S443] Dekalb Co, Georgia Inferior Court Minutes, 10 January 1848; p. 382.

    21. [S481] Garrett's Necrology - Dekalb Jurors, p. 221.

    22. [S807] Georgia, Property Tax Digests 1793-1893, 15 October 2012; 1849, Dekalb Co, Casey's, p. 429.

    23. [S485] 1850 US Federal Census, Dekalb Co., GA, Casey's District; page 155; dwelling 92; Wesley Hudson.

    24. [S85] Landers, James B.M. to Hudson, Wesley Sale of Land.

    25. [S86] Landers, James B.M. to Hudson, Wesley Sale of Land.

    26. [S481] Garrett's Necrology - Dekalb Jurors, p. 242.

    27. [S482] Garrett's Necrology - Fulton Jurors, p. 180.

    28. [S807] Georgia, Property Tax Digests 1793-1893, 15 October 2012; Fulton County, Cooks District, 1856, Wesley Hudson.

    29. [S807] Georgia, Property Tax Digests 1793-1893, 15 October 2012; Fulton County, Cooks District, 1857, Wesley Hudson.

    30. [S807] Georgia, Property Tax Digests 1793-1893, 15 October 2012; Fulton County, Cooks District, 1859, Wesley Hudson.

    31. [S482] Garrett's Necrology - Fulton Jurors, p. 209.

    32. [S532] 1860 US Federal Census, Fulton Co., GA, Cook's District; page 907; dwelling 1410, family 1574; Wesley Hutson.

    33. [S483] Paulding County Deeds, Book M, p. 783.

    34. [S87] Deed Book N (1860-1869), Paulding County, Georgia, p. 321.

    35. [S78] Cemeteries of Paulding County, GA.

    36. [S88] Paulding County: Its People and Its Places, p. 559, 562.

    37. [S658] Civil War Service - Fold3.com, 5 July 2012; Wesley Hudson, 9th Battalion Cavalry, Georgia State Guards.

    38. [S452] 1864 Census for Re-Organizing the Georgia Militia.

    39. [S88] Paulding County: Its People and Its Places, p. 624.

    40. [S453] 1866 Tax Digest, Paulding Co., Georgia.

    41. [S472] 1867 Tax Digest, Paulding Co., Georgia.

    42. [S44] Returns of Qualified Voters under the Reconstruct, Volume 126, p. 37.

    43. [S473] 1868 Tax Digest, Paulding Co., Georgia.

    44. [S807] Georgia, Property Tax Digests 1793-1893, 15 October 2012; Paulding County, 1869, Wesley Hudson.

    45. [S474] 1869 Tax Digest, Paulding Co., Georgia.

    46. [S93] Deed Book M (1869-1871), Fulton County, Georgia, p. 369.

    47. [S475] 1870 Tax Digest, Paulding Co., Georgia.

    48. [S95] Grantor's Index - Deeds & Mortgages Book 1, 1854-1, B-256.

    49. [S95] Grantor's Index - Deeds & Mortgages Book 1, 1854-1, F-657.

    50. [S95] Grantor's Index - Deeds & Mortgages Book 1, 1854-1, B-38.

    51. [S95] Grantor's Index - Deeds & Mortgages Book 1, 1854-1, B-257.

    52. [S88] Paulding County: Its People and Its Places.

    53. [S1500] Atlanta Constitution, The Courts; 9 September 1873; page 3, column 3; 1 June 2019.

    54. [S96] Sholes Directory of the City of Atlanta - 1878.

    55. [S97] Atlanta Daily Constitution, "Letter List", 12 May.

    56. [S98] Atlanta Daily Constitution, 18 June 1878, "Fulton.

    57. [S1500] Atlanta Constitution, Fulton Superior Court; 18 June 1878; page 4, column 3; 31 May 2019.

    58. [S484] Paulding County Deeds, Book Q, p. 7-8.

    59. [S477] 1879 Tax Digest, Fulton Co., Georgia.

    60. [S100] Norton's Directory of the City of Atlanta for 1879.

    61. [S478] 1880 Tax Digest, Fulton Co., Georgia.

    62. [S102] Sholes Directory of the City of Atlanta - 1880.

    63. [S602] 1880 US Federal Census, Fulton Co., GA, Atlanta, Ward 1; ED 89; page 35; dwelling 350, family 402, Henry St.; Westley Hudson.

    64. [S450] Sholes Directory of the City of Atlanta - 1881.

    65. [S105] Sholes Directory of the City of Atlanta - 1882.

    66. [S1500] Atlanta Constitution, Barrett on Trial; 2 November 1883; 31 May 2019.

    67. [S79] Some Georgia County Records, Vol. 6.

    68. [S38] Necrology of Atlanta and Environs.

    69. [S1855] Letter from W.H. Hudson to John W. Hudson, July 1877.

    70. [S106] Fulton County, Georgia, Marriage Book E, p. 620.

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