
Ancestors and Family of Brian Scott Dickson and Kathleen Ann Boyle Dickson


Matches 1751 to 1800 of 1808

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1751 S2092 Tad Evans, Irwin County, Georgia, marriage records, 1820-1928 (Savannah, Georgia: Tad Evans, 1993), ; digital images, FamilySearch, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/644952?availability=Family%20History%20Library : accessed .
1752 S1996 Tennessee, United States, Death Records, 1908-1965, , , ; digital images, Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/2376/ : accessed ); citing Tennessee Death Records, 1908-1965. Nashville, Tennessee: Tennessee State Library and Archives.
1753 S283 Tennison, H.W, Death notice, Antlers American (Name: Antlers, Pushmataha Co., OK 11 Jun 1914;)
1754 S400 Tennison, Henry Walker - Death Certificate 85-117482
1755 S399 Tennison, Henry Walker, Application for Social Security Account Number, SSN 442-09-1244, Application Date 7 Jun 1937
1756 S1995 Texas, United States, Death Certificates, 1903-1982, , , ; digital images, Ancestry.com, Ancestry.com (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/2272/ : accessed ); citing Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Death Certificates, 1903–1982. Austin, Texas, USA.
1757 S197 The Almand Family, Mildred Wren Whitten
1758 S1671 The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas Jr., The Third and Fourth or 1820 and 1821 Land Lotteries of Georgia (Easley, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press and Georgia Genealogical Reprints, 1973).
1759 S79 The Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Some Georgia County Records, Vol. 6 (Name: Southern Historical Press, Greenville, SC, 1993;)
1760 S203 The Scott Family, Mildred Wren Whitten
1761 S1713 The Texas General Land Office, database, The Texas General Land Office (https://s3.glo.texas.gov/glo/history/archives/land-grants/index.cfm : accessed ).
1762 S911 Thirty-second Congress, Executive Journal of the Senate of the United States. (At the first session Thirty-second Congress, commencing Monday, December 1st, 1851.), Senate Executive Proceedings, Vol. 8, 33-1, (1852), , ; , NewsBank, NewsBank (: accessed ).
1763 S912 Thirty-third Congress, Executive Journal of the Senate of the United States. (At the first session of the Thirty-third Congress, commencing on Monday, the 5th of December, 1853.), Senate Executive Proceedings Vol. 9, 33-1, (1854), , ; , NewsBank, NewsBank (: accessed ).
1764 S631 Thomas County Georgia Marriage Book B: ; , , Georgia.
1765 S1321 Thomas County, Georgia, Deed Book E: ; FHL microfilm Film #007898950.
1766 S335 Thomas Jefferson Garner family group sheet 1992 Patsy E. Page
1767 S157 Thomas M. Higgs 4th Sgt., Co E. 17th Mississippi Inf. Compiled ServiceRecords of Confederate Soldiers M269, roll 255 (Name: NARA, Washington, DC;)
1768 S159 Thomas M. Higgs Mary J. Sartain Marriage Return 25 Dec 1857 MarriageBook - 1855-1860 813
1769 S811 Thomas Portlow, The People of Wilson County, Tennessee 1800-1899 (N.p.: n.p., n.d.).
1770 S2102 United States, City Directories, 1821-1989, , , ; digital images, Ancestry (https://www.ancestry.com/search/collections/2469 : accessed ); Collection of directories for U.S. cities and counties in various years.
1771 S1670 USGenWeb, "1821 Land Lottery GA," List of fortunate drawers, USGenWeb Volunteers, Statewide Records - Georgia USGenWeb Archives Project (http://usgwarchives.net/ga/galand.htm : accessed ); This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Volunteers
1772 S67 Vickers Family Notes, Mildred Wren Whitten
1773 S389 Vickers Family Reference Page, Kelly Vickers,https://web.archive.org/web/20030406172406/http://kvickers.tfc.edu/
1774 S346 Vincent Family Outline, Fran Wilkerson
1775 S1951 Virginia M. McPhail, copier, The First Four Marriage Books of Franklin County, Arkansas, 1850-1882 (1986), ; digital images, FamilySearch, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org : accessed .
1776 S88 W.A. Foster, Jr., Paulding County: Its People and Its Places (Name: Dallas, GA: 1983;)
1777 S1855 W.H. Hudson, (Paulding County, Georgia) to John Wesley Hudson and Cindy Hudson, letter, 1 July 1877; privately held by Scott Dickson. 610 Wexford Close, Roswell, GA, 2022. John Wesley Hudson to Pearl Hudson (his daughter) to Mildred Wren (her daughter) to Scott Dickson (her grand-nephew).
1778 S192 Wedding Announcement, Kay Wren, Nevada County Picayune, 12 Nov 1987
1779 S420 Wedding Announcement, Mary Beth Armstrong, Nevada County Picayune, 16May 1991
1780 S195 Wedding Announcement, Tracey Wren, Nevada County Picayune, 19 Mar 1987
1781 S36 Whitten, Henry Franklin Arkansas Birth Certificate No. 171838 29 Dec 1942 (Name: Bureau of Public Health, Department of Health, State of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR;)
1782 S198 Whitten, Mildred Wren, Almand Family Notes
1783 S245 Whittey, Edythe Rucker, compiler, Marriages of Roane County, Tennessee - 1801-1838 (Name: Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD 1983;)
1784 S1757 Wilkes Genealogical Society, Wilkes County, North Carolina 1787 Census (North Wilkesboro, North Carolina: Wilkes Genealogical Society, n.d.), .
1785 S1752 Wilkes Genealogical Society, Wilkes County, North Carolina Taxables, 1784-1785-1786, Volume II (North Wilkesboro, North Carolina: Wilkes Genealogical Society, revised 1989), .
1786 S1580 William A. Wolfe Janet B. Wolfe, abstractors, Names and Abstracts of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida 1822-1845, revised edition (Pass-A-Grille Beach, Florida: William A. and Janet B. Wolfe, 1991), .
1787 S206 William Bayley of Jameston, Virginia, C. Tennyson Bailey,Russellville, AR
1788 S1292 William Bradford Browne, The Peterson Family of Duxbury, Massachusetts (1916; reprint, n.d.), ; digital images, Internet Archive (https://archive.org/details/petersonfamilyof00brow : accessed .
1789 S2052 William Murtha Wilder, Wilder and Some Connecting (Especially Some Ware) Families in the Southeastern United States of America (Albany, Georgia: William Murtha Wilder, 1969), ; online images, FamilySeacrch, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org : accessed .
1790 S72 William Murtha Wilder, Wilder and Some Connecting (Especially Some Ware) Families in theSoutheastern United States of America (Name: Albany, GA: Columbus Office Supply Co., 1969;)
1791 S813 Winnie H. Hamilton (Mrs. Joe R.), Personal History - Nevada County, Arkansas (Prescott, Nevada Co., Arkansas: privately published, n.d.).
1792 S625 Wren Family Papers (Collected letters, clippings, and photos, ), privately held by Scott Dickson, 12275 Magnolia Crescent Dr, Roswell, GA, 2012. Collected primarily by Norvelle and Mildred Wren, John Gann. Given to Scott Dickson by them..
1793 S13 Wren Patterson, The Wren Family In America
1794 S60 Wren, Alonzo Dossey, Death Certificate No. 1136-4 19 Jan 1916 (Name: Bureau of Vital Statistics, Board of Health, State of Arkansas,Little Rock, AR;)
1795 S4 Wren, Betty Carol, Birth Certificate No. 6102-41, 17 Jan 1944 (Name: Department of Public Health, State of Georgia, Atlanta, GA;)
1796 S57 Wren, Betty, Wren Family Research Notes
1797 S63 Wren, Georgia Vickers Arkansas Death Certificate No. 611 8 May 1941 (Name: Bureau of Public Health, Department of Health, State of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR;)
1798 S17 Wren, Henry Hudson, Arkansas Death Certificate No. 78-016532 15 May 1978 (Name: Bureau of Public Health, Department of Health, State of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR;)
1799 S22 Wren, Mary Higgs, Arkansas Death Certificate 7 Nov 1988 (Name: Bureau of Public Health, Department of Health, State of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR;)
1800 S34 Wren, Mildred, Arkansas Birth Certificate No. 171837 29 Dec 1942 (Name: Bureau of Public Health, Department of Health, State of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR;)

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