
Ancestors and Family of Brian Scott Dickson and Kathleen Ann Boyle Dickson


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
5101 Why does this say Yell County? I thought he lived around Polk County. In 1880, he was in Pike County. Tennyson, John William Biggers (I5963)
5102 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Friesen, Jeretta Rose (I3054)
5103 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Friesen, Dawn Ann (I3049)
5104 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Friesen, Harold Jonathan (I3050)
5105 Widow of Cornelius Hooper Thayer, Salome Pool (I7044)
5106 Widow's pension, application 899755, certificate 672982 Sykes, Sarah T. (I9738)
5107 Widow.

Also named as TANNER. 
Turner, M. T. (I6118)
5108 Wife's name is unknown. She may have not traveled to America. Family: Edmund Grover / Margaret (F3732)
5109 Wilbur B Wilkins, age 24, is in the home. Likely brother to Ruby. Johnson, Joe Ben (I7976)
5110 Wilder claims that he was born in Caswell Co, North Carolina. That seems, perhaps, more reasonable to me. Additionally, some marriage records say he is from VA. Ware, Thomas (I6366)
5111 Wilkes County Deed Book AA, p. 178
6 April 1786
Andrew West and Barbara his wife to Joseph Thomas of Richmond County, Ga. 
Ware, Henry (I6340)
5112 Wilkes County Deed Book DD, 1788-1789, p. 95
Thomas Sullivin, Mark Sullivan, Owin Sullivin, all of Richmond Co., to Shadrack Mims of Wilkes Co., Wit: Nicholas Ware, Nathan Jordan, Squire Ware, Robt. Jemerson, Solomon Collins.

Robert's son Robert married a woman named Mims, perhaps related to Shadrack. 
Jemison, Robert II (I3914)
5113 Wilkes County Deed Book DD, 1788-1789, p. 95
Thomas Sullivin, Mark Sullivan, Owin Sullivin, all of Richmond Co., to Shadrack Mims of Wilkes Co., Wit: Nicholas Ware, Nathan Jordan, Squire Ware, Robt. Jemerson, Solomon Collins. 
Ware, Nicholas (I9130)
5114 Wilkes County, Ga Deed Book CC, 1787, p 102
17 Mar 1787
Thomas Hubbard of Wilkes Co, Ga to Robert Ware of S.C., planter ,for L10, where Hubbard now lives, 400 acres. Wit: Joel Lockheart, Armistead Ellis Stokes, James Ware

Wilkes County, Ga Deed Book CC, 1787, p 103
17 Mar 1787
Thomas Hubbard of Wilkes Co, Ga to Robert Ware of Edgefield Co., S.C., planter, land granted Hubbard, 400 acres, adj. Thomas Puckett, Robt. Ware, up Savanah River including the island. (signed) Thomas (his mark) Hubbard. Wit: Joel Lockhart, Armstead Ellis Stokes, James Ware. Received of Ware, L200, 17 Mar 1787, Henry Ware J.P. 27 Mar 1787, Elizabeth Hubbard, wife of Thomas rel. dower rights, Henry Ware, J.P., Proved same day, Regd 4 Sept 1787 
Ware, Robert (I9131)
5115 Wilkes County, Ga Deed Book UU, 1803-1804, p. 159
24 Dec 1801
Thomas Ware of Jackson Co., Ga to Richard Woodroof of Wilkes Co., Ga for $225, 140 acres in Wilkes Co., adj N. by Major Cawl, S. by David Tomlinson, & vacant at time of survey, S.E. by Little River, N.E. by Benj. Catching. (signed) Thomas Ware. Wit: Richard Russell, Absalam Levret, Solomon Thornton, J.P. Rec 25 Feb 1804. 
Ware, Thomas (I6366)
5116 Wilkes County, Ga. Deed Book DD, 1788-1789, p. 186
20 Nov 1787, Christopher Blanton and Patsey his wife to Hezekiah Bussey, all of Wilkes Co. Proved before Henry Ware, J.P. 21 Feb 1788 
Ware, Henry (I6340)
5117 Wilkes County, Ga., Deed Book EE, 1788-1790
18 Sep 1786 Samuel Smith to Francis Smith, Wit: Thomas Hubbard, Alexr Smith, Henry Ware, J.P. 
Ware, Henry (I6340)
5118 Wilkes County, Ga., Deed Book MM, 1794-1795
p. 523, 4 Mar 1785, Robert Ware and Jane (Jean), his wife, to Samuel Weathers, all of Wilkes County, for L50, 100 acres on Savanah River, adj. river bank, William Wallas, Bussey, along river bank. (signed) Robert Ware, Jane Ware, Wit: Jas Davis, Daniel Gray, James Gray, Henry Ware, J.P. Regd 18 July 1795

At some points of the deed, she is referred to as Jane and others as Jean. But she signs as Jane Ware 
Ware, Robert (I9131)
5119 Wilkes County, Ga., Deed Book MM, 1794-1795
p. 523, 4 Mar 1785, Robert Ware and Jane (Jean), his wife, to Samuel Weathers, all of Wilkes County, for L50, 100 acres on Savanah River, adj. river bank, William Wallas, Bussey, along river bank. (signed) Robert Ware, Jane Ware, Wit: Jas Davis, Daniel Gray, James Gray, Henry Ware, J.P. Regd 18 July 1795 
Ware, Henry (I6340)
5120 Wilkins & Lewis Deshazo sold to John Tomlinson of $200, a parcel of land formerly owned by Lewis Deshazo, dec'd, on the waters of Cedar Creek & Murder Creek, Deshazo, Wilkin (I2540)
5121 Wilkins & Lewis Deshazo sold to John Tomlinson of $200, a parcel of land formerly owned by Lewis Deshazo, dec'd, on the waters of Cedar Creek & Murder Creek, Deshazo, Lewis (I2510)
5122 Will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in June next, at the market-house in the town of Eatonton, Putnam County, the following property, to wit: ... 100 acres of land whereon Catharine Blalock now lives in the waters of of Murder Creek ... levied on as the property of Solomon Blalock, to satisfy a if fa in favor of M & J Whitfield vs. William K. Deshazo. Georgia Journal, Milledgeville Deshazo, William King (I2544)
5123 Will be sold on the second Thursday in April next, at the last residence of Lewis Deshazo, deceased, in the county of Putnam, on the waters of Cedar Creek, adjoining Cary Cox and others, a part of the estate of said deceased; to wit: horses, hogs, cattle, sheep, corn and fodder (signed) William H Deshazo, William King, administrators - Georgia Journal, Milledgeville.

William King is likely one of Nancy King's relatives. 
Deshazo, Lewis (I2509)
5124 Will Book B, p. 120
Martin Trentham. Mar. 15, 1783, prb. 1783. Sons: Japtha, Martain (by his first wife). Daus: Margery, Ann, and Mary Trentham. Exrs: John Hollis, George Reed. Wit. John Robertson, Mussilla Robberson

This gives a hint that John Hollis is connected to the Trentham family and that his wife could be Mary Trentham. Also worth pursuing is the connection to George Reed, a name that appears in Tennessee with the Hollises as well.

However, in the Rowan County cross-index of devisors and devisees, no Hollises are listed through 1825. 
Hollis, John (I3639)
5125 Will Higgs also acted as an agent for a company selling men's suits for several years. Higgs, John William (I3534)
5126 Will Higgs appears to have sold life insurance in addition to working for the newspaper. Advertisements appear throughout the years 1913-1918 for his as an agent for Merchant's Life life insurance. Higgs, John William (I3534)
5127 Will Higgs operated and worked at newspapers throughout Arkansas and Oklahoma. Working as a printer in Texarkana in 1875, he moved to DeQueen, AR to publish the DeQueen Democrat Record. He served newspapers in Alma, AR and Van Buren, AR before moving to Idabel, OK in 1911 to work at the Idabel Democrat Record. He died of pneumonia after an illness of about two weeks. According to initial reports of his death, his remains were to be shipped to Boyce, TX. The rationale for this report is unknown. Perhaps he had as yet undiscovered family in that area. He was not from that area and he had no siblings or known family there or any connection at all to the area. But, since this was reported, it ought to be followed up to find out of there is a connection.

N4, h2

J.W. Higgs worked for the Idabel Democrat Record, successor to the McCurtain Record in Idabel, Oklahoma for a number of years. From time to time, Will was listed as Editor or Publisher. But, generally, that was held for Tom G. Taylor, who owned the paper. Tom G. Taylor purchased the McCurtain Beacon Times in 1914, consolidating it with the Democrat Record. Then in June 1914, he ran for state representative and was elected in November 1914.

17 Sep 1914 - J.W. Higgs, Jr, who has been visiting his parents for a week, left Tuesday for Leesville, La., where he will complete his work with the civil engineering corp of the KCS preparatory to returning tothe University at Fayetteville, Ark. to complete his course.

1 Oct 1914 - Negro Loving Socialist - Anarchist & Infidel (headline in Idabel Democrat Record)

8 Oct 1914 - Socialism vs. Religion - Shows its enmity to all things good by its own arguments (editorial by J.W. Higgs)

26 Nov 1914 - Armour Higgs was a guest of his brother, Pat, Sunday.

24 Dec 1914 - J.W. Higgs, Jr. arrived in the city from Louisiana where he holds an important position in the civil engineering department of the Kansas City Southern railway, to spend Christmas with his parents.

24 Dec 1914 - Morton T. Higgs, who is attending the University of Arkansas, came on Sunday to spend the holidays with his parents.

7 Jan 1915, Vol. 7, #44 is the first issue of the Democrat-Record that lists J.W. Higgs as publisher and Tom G. Taylor as owner & editor.Also included in this issue are notes that Morton Higgs left Sunday,having spent the holidays with his parents, for Fayetteville, Ark,where he goes to resume his studies.

21 Jan 1915 - School Notes - The Literary Society Program includes avocal trio - Mabel Dewitt, Noreen Ellers, and Lida Higgs

28 Jan 1915 - Honor Roll of pupils of Idabel Public Schools, not late or tardy for the month of ending 22 Jan 1915, in Mrs. Higgs class at Central School (also listed for 19 Feb 1915), and Lida Higgs in the High School.

11 Mar 1915 - School Notes - Literary Society Debate - Resolved that women should have suffrage in Oklahoma - on the negative side, Lida Higgs.

1 Apr 1915 - After a weekend visit with her sister, Mrs. J.W. Higgs,Mrs. G.P. Frazer left Monday for Little Rock.

8 Apr 1915 - J.W. Higgs, Jr spent Sunday in the city visiting his parents.

3 Jun 1915 - Morton T. Higgs arrived at the city this morning from Fayetteville, Ark, where he has been attending the University, for a visit to his parents, Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Higgs, before going to his summer work.

10 Jun 1915 - Mrs. J.W. Higgs left yesterday for Royse, Texas, in answer to a message that her father was dying. She was accompanied to Hugo by her son, Morton.

24 Jun 1915 - Mrs. J.W. Higgs returned Monday from Royse City, Texas,where she was summoned two weeks ago to the beside of her dying father, Elder J.H. Cason, who passed away a short time after she reached his side. A better man or a stauncher Christian than Rev.J.H. Cason would be hard to find.

1 Jul 1915 - J.W. Higgs name is no longer on the masthead of the paper. Miss Betty Clay Cason of Dustin, Oklahoma, arrived in the city this morning and is a guest o Mrs. Lida Higgs.

1 Jul 1915 - J.W. Higgs, Jr, came over Thursday from Texarkana but returned Friday. His mother, brother, and two little sisters accompanied him to Texarkana to visit with him for a while.

29 Jul 1915 - J.W. Higgs and daughter, Miss Lida Higgs, are visiting at Texarkana.

19 Aug 1915 - Miss Lida Higgs arrived home today from a three weeks visit to points in Arkansas.

2 Sep 1915 - Miss Bettie Higgs has returned from a visit to DeQueen

7 Sep 1915 - Open letter to J.W. Higgs for political views printed on 2 Sep.

16 Dec 1915 - Morton Higgs will arrive Saturday. Will complete studies at the University of Arkansas in June. J.W. Higgs, who is the senior transit man on the southern end of the KCS, with headquarters at Texarkana, arrived at home today to spend the holidays with his parents.

13 Jan 1916 - See Higgs samples before you order a suit.

By mid-1918, the paper lists J.W. Higgs as editor and publisher, Tom Taylor is gone from the masthead.

14 Feb 1918 - Col. J.W. Higgs of the Democrat-Record force has been severely ill for several days, but we are glad to report is improving at this writing.

7 Mar 1918 - John W. Higgs died on the 2nd. Children surviving are Lt. J.W. Higgs, Lt. Morton T. Higgs, Lyda Higgs, Bettie Higgs, Mary Higgs.

On 14 Mar 1918, Tom Taylor is listed as Editor and Publisher again.

** Several times in the newspaper accounts, J.W. Higgs and Ira Higgs are going to Nashville, Ark. to visit cousins Bob Dennison, Bill Dennison, and Mrs. Eugene Counts. How are these connected? 
Higgs, John William (I3534)
5128 Will is listed as a widower in the 1910 census. Garner, William P. (I3110)
5129 Will is probated in Jan 1831 and Jesse appears in 1830 tax list. Council, Jesse (I9639)
5130 Will of Moses Matthews.
Polly Ware, wife of Nicholas Ware.
Nicholas Ware, executor. 
Matthews, Mary (I9626)
5131 Will presented and proved in court Baker, Zachariah (I732)
5132 Will presented for probate Stetson, Abel (I8535)
5133 Will recorded Vincent, Peyton S. (I6288)
5134 William and Catherine have different addresses when he registers for the WWII draft. Mulready, Catherine Alice (I8063)
5135 William and Elizabeth must be cousins.

By the time of her father's death, they already have children. 
Hames, William B. (I9457)
5136 William and Rosannah were principally raised in Washington Co.,Tennessee. They later moved to Roane Co., near his mother andstep-father. They later moved to Madison Co., Alabama and had sevenchildren. Lambkin, William (I4156)
5137 William Bradford reports that Francis and Christian had three children, one of whom (this one) was "an idiot" and was unnamed in his writing. Eaton (I8901)
5138 William Bressie came to the colonies from England. He returned to England with his wife in 1670, but returned to Virginia prior to 1679. Upon his return to Virginia, he deeded land for a Quaker church, having taken up the Quaker faith, in spite of persecution of Quakers in Virginia at that time.

William Bressie made a will 22 January 1699 in Isle of Wight Co, which was proven 9 June 1701 in the same county. 
Bressie, William (I1203)
5139 William came to Virginia in the Neptune in 1618. Cole, William (I1997)
5140 William Cason is certainly connected to Thomas Cason, John Cason, Giles Cason, and therefore, Joseph Cason. Miller, John (I4650)
5141 William Cocke studied law and about 1774 moved to the Holstonsettlements in East Tennessee, where as captain of the militia hehelped to guard the frontiers during Dunmore's War and in 1775followed Daniel Boone to Kentucky where he was a member of the houseof delegates of the Transylvania Colony. During the RevolutionaryWar, he founght Indians and Tories. In 1777-78 he representedWasington Co. in the Virginia House of Delegates and in 1778 wassubsequently a member of the North Carolina legislature. A leader inthe movement to establish the State of Franklin in East Tennessee,1784-88, he helped form its constitution and was a member of itslegislature and Brigadier General of its militia, serving on itsCouncil of State and being sent as its delegate to the United StatesCongress, although never seated and unsuccessful in presenting thememorial for the state's recognition. Cocke, General William (I1965)
5142 William Coxe came to Virginia at the age of 12 aboard the Godspeed,which arrived 10 Jun 1610 with the party of Thomas West, Third Lord DeLa Warr. William Coxe may have been of the family of Sir Henry Coxeof Broxburne, Hertfordhsire based on a marriage to the brother ofThomas West.

William came to Virginia at the age of 12 aboard the ship Godspeed,which arrived 10 Jun 1610 with the party of Thomas West, Third Lord DeLa Ware. Thomas West's brother, Robert West, married Elizabeth Coxe,daughter of Sir Henry Coxe of Broxburne, Herfordshire. THis suggests(due to Williams presence in the party) that William and Elizabethcould have been siblings, or at least of that same family. 
Coxe, William (I2225)
5143 William Cunningham to Sally Marshall.
Marriage Bond: 10 Dec 1798
Marriage: 20 Dec 1798
Minister: William Richards
Surety: Robert Marshall 
Family: William Cunningham / Sarah Marshall (F3651)
5144 William died unmarried. Poythress, William (I5186)
5145 William Henry appears to be enumerated in the 1920 census, but the name appears as Leavin. He also is listed as 3/12 years old in Jan 1920. Almand, William Henry (I395)
5146 William Henry Cocke was killed in a discharge of a gun at Moro Castle. Cocke, William Henry (I1977)
5147 William here is William Cason, Jr. His wife is Mary. Joshua Teague witnesses the transaction. Miller, John (I4650)
5148 William Hill makes a will on 25 April 1786, recorded in Will Book 2, p 196, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. A different William Hill (probably related) is found in the previous will book.

to Peter Crafford, the 50 acres of land sold to him
to son John Hill, 60 acres adjoining Joseph Randull
to son James Hill 60 acres adjoining Ben Cockersham
to son William Hill 60 acres adjoining James Hill
to wife Elizabeth plantation where I now live and after her death to son Elisha Hill
to wife Elizabeth all stock and household furniture, then divided between sons and daughter Francis Hill
Executors William Hendrick and Elizabeth Hill 
Hill, William (I9524)
5149 William Huckaby's probate lists a son of Alpha Huckaby Brown as W.J.K. Brown. Could this be "Curby", Kirby? Brown, Curby (I10200)
5150 William is enumerated as 51 years old, from South Carolina, a farmer with $3200 in real estate and $12800 in personal estate.

His apparent wife (Mary, aged 30) may not be the Arapha / Alpha Huckaby from before, since they married in about 1828. This could indicate Alpha died and he has remarried. It could also indicate his younger children are by the second wife. Also, Mary (age 30) could be his eldest

Also listed in this census are
Mary (age 30, 2nd wife?)
I. L. (male, age t10, could be Alonzo)
Hariel (female, age 6)
Tody (female, age 4)

Next door, there is a W.M. Huckaby enumerated, age 35. 
Brown, William (I10164)

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