
Ancestors and Family of Brian Scott Dickson and Kathleen Ann Boyle Dickson


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
401 5 July 1873
Wife - Mahala Almand
Son William Almand, dec.
Son John B.
Son David B.
Son Willcomb T
Son Henry B
Son Joseph S
Daughter Sarah Ann Rogers
Daughter Martha Ann Turner
Daughter Harriett C Fairchilds
Executors Asa J Wallers, John C Rogers
Witnesses J.M. Rhodes, S.O. Beaty, S.M. Cook 
Almand, David Butler (I223)
402 5 slaves
Decatur, district 14
181 ac, pine
tax $2.12 2 3/4 
Leovisa W. (I6298)
403 5 slaves, 2 exempt from taxation, 3 taxed, ages 12-50

None of the other sons appear in this tax list. I am assuming this James is son of John and brother of Hardy for lack of any other information. 
Vickers, James (I6218)
404 50 ac, 0 poll Council, Jesse (I9639)
405 50 ac, 0 poll Council, Jesse (I9639)
406 50 ac, 0 poll, 0 slaves Council, Jesse (I9639)
407 50 ac, 0 poll, 0 slaves Council, Jesse (I9639)
408 50 ac, 0 poll, 0 slaves Council, Jesse (I9639)
409 50 ac, 0 poll, 0 slaves Council, Jesse (I9639)
410 50 ac, 1 poll, 1 slave Council, Howard S. (I9647)
411 6 Aug 1794
Jesse Council ordered to attend next court first Monday in November as juror. 
Council, Jesse (I9639)
412 6 Aug 1794
Jordan Council ordered to serve on jury to view road from County Road extends thru Deep Gap of Blue Ridge to Deep Gap in Rich Mtn at head Mete Camp Creek and from thence to state line on Stone Mountain 
Council, Jordan (I9640)
413 6 Feb 1796
William Davis to Adam Heath
L 60
Jesse Heath, witness 
Heath, Adam (I7423)
414 6 May 1795
Jordan Council ordered overseer of the road from wagon ford on New River to Rich Mountain 
Council, Jordan (I9640)
415 6 slaves
Decatur, District 14
181 ac pine
tax $2.51 3 1/4 
Leovisa W. (I6298)
416 6 slaves
Decatur, district 14, lot 201, 125 ac, pine
Decatur, district 14, lot 242, 30 ac, 2nd
Decatur, district 14, lot 242, 26 1/4 ac, pine
one buggy
Tax: $2.77 2 3/4 mils 
Leovisa W. (I6298)
417 695 acres class 3 Hickory
15 slaves
1 charriott
tax: $3.28 1 3/4 
Green, Allafair (I3191)
418 7 Nov 1796
Hodges Council part of jury to view road from School House on Brushy Fork to top of Stone Mountain 
Council, Hodges (I9641)
419 7 polls, 101 1/4 ac 3rd quality land, in Putnam Co., on Cedar Creek, originally granted to Lowery, adjoins Childs. Tax $2, 31 1/4c.

Then as agent for William Deshazer, 1 poll, 31 1/4c 
Deshazo, Lewis (I2509)
420 714 Hillcrest is now 714 Huntley Higgs, Jere Will (I3531)
421 79.38 acres Vickers, James Jackson (I6220)
422 79.5 Acres, 1 W½SW LOUISIANA No 16 N 10 W 14, Natchitoches Land Office Vickers, James Jackson (I6220)
423 79.97 acres, assignee of Joab Lawler Ware, Jamison (I6345)
424 8 May 1794
Jesse Council ordered to attend next court as juror 
Council, Jesse (I9639)
425 80 acres sold to Benjamin Moody
Purchased by Robert Marshall from Mary & Nathaniel Parham of Brunswick County 
Marshall, Capt. Robert (I4431)
426 80.02 acres Ware, Jamison (I6345)
427 80.06 acres Shehee, Aylesbury (I5568)
428 80.08 acres Shehee, Aylesbury (I5568)
429 80.09 acres Shehee, Aylesbury (I5568)
430 80.10 acres Shehee, Aylesbury (I5568)
431 80.18 acres Ware, Jamison (I6345)
432 80.2 acres Ware, Jamison (I6345)
433 80.28 acres Shehee, Aylesbury (I5568)
434 88th Troop Carrier Squadron 438th Troop Carrier Group, Army Air Forces

Richard started as a Private and as a mechanic. He was promoted to PFC, Corporal, Sergeant, and Technical Sergeant (where he flew as a flight mechanic). The Troop Carrier Service was responsible for delivering paratroops and gliders at key battles such as D-Day and Marketgarden, as well as delivering cargo and evacuating the wounded. 
Dickson, Richard Isaac (I2597)
435 9 Texas Field Battery, also known as Lamar's Artillery, was formerly known as Capt. Daniel's Co. Texas Artillery, and as Daniels Battery. A lot of these units were part of the "Trans Mississippi Infantry" and had names that spanned Arkansas and Texas. Bailey, Otway Licepious (I8087)
436 9th Bat. Georgia Cav, CSA Adair, John (I40)
437 I am becoming much less certain of this Solomon Bridges and his connection to either Herod as a child or Meshack as a father.

Note that the theory of Susanna Flournoy as Solomon Bridges wife may be full of holes. Betty Wren really believes that his wife was Jane Huckaby.

There is an estate package in Oglethorpe County for a Solomon Bridges, died 1825 but has all wrong children.

War of 1812 service. 4 Regiment (Booth's), Georgia Militia, Private.

Based on the newspaper advertisement looking for Solomon Bridges, orphan of Meshack, as a runaway in 1806, I believe Solomon and Meshack are at best brothers.

1796 Oglethorpe County tax digest lists:David Bridges
Jonathan Bridges
Nathaniel Bridges (Will 1809, Oglethorpe Co., Book B, p. 49)
Wiseman Bridges

In Oglethorpe County, there are estate records and records of an estate sale. A Nancy Bridges is appointed guardian for 3 minor children. And at the sale, a lot of stuff is sold to Nancy. Susanna is never mentioned, though she would still have been alive at this point. More evidence that this is not the Solomon that we are looking for. Seems like James must be the oldest son. He also bought a lot and was administrator.
Bridges, Solomon (I1224)
438 In early Madison County records, there are Gore, Adair, Landers, Sailors, Hudson, Lane who all end up in Paulding County later on. However, these records in Family Search require being at the FHC or an affilliate library.

There are several useful pages in Franklin Garrett's Notes on Old Families of Dekalb & Fulton Counties 1875-1932.
p. 19 - Hiram Casey - captain of the district where the Hudsons are found in 1850. Irish immigrant. Came to Dekalb from Madison, Georgia.
p. 32 - Wesley Hudson burial
p. 79-80 - Wesley Hudson - owned most of Simsville.

Lottery: It appears that Wesley Hudson was a fortunate drawer in the 1827 land lottery in Jackson Co., GA. I need to confirm this.

Democrat Meeting: Westly Hudson is listed as a delegate from Cook's District of Fulton County to the Fulton Democratic Meeting according to the Atlanta Weekly Intelligencer, 12 May 1859, p. 1

Letters of Guardianship: Wesley Hudson and William Cannon apply for letters of guardianship for the persons and property of George R. Cash and Allison Cash, orphans of George W. Cash, dec'd. (Southern Confederacy newspaper, August 24, 1862, p. 4)

CENSUS: Wesley Hudson is not found in a line-by-line search of the 1870 Paulding County Census.


Wesley Hudson was born in SC around 1808. At some point, he (and maybe his family) moved to Georgia. Wesley Hudson appears in Georgia by the time of his marriage to Elizabeth Landers in 1831. It is not clear where in Georgia he first landed, or where he was married. By 1840, he is found in Dekalb County, GA. Wesley Hudson married Elizabeth (Betsy Ann) Landers in 1831 and they had twelve children. Throughout the 1850’s and 1860’s, Wesley bought and sold land in the 14th and 17th districts of Dekalb County, which became Fulton County in 1853. This land was primarily located to the west of present day Georiga Tech and just to the west of the Fulton County Prison and Animal Control. Sometime between 1862 and 1866, Wesley and family moved from Fulton County to Paulding County, Georgia. They located in the Pumpkinvine community, just to the south of Dallas, Ga, along present day GA 120. Betsy Ann died in 1884. And Wesley died in October of 1889.

Connected Families

In 1850, Wesley appears in Dekalb County surrounded by other Hudsons, many of whom are likely to be related. In the Casey's District, there are several Hudson families. In particular, we find in dwelling 30, Notley Hudson (age 32), in dwelling 36, Catharine Hudson (age 30, in the household of Zilpha Wood), dwelling 92, Wesley Hudson (age 42),dwelling 94, Jane Hudson (age 60), dwelling 95, David Hudson (age 25). Farther along, in dwelling 111, we find Calvin Hudson (age 21). In addition to the families named Hudson, there are other related families here. In dwelling 93, Laura W. Carter, daughter of Wesley Hudson is listed with her husband Nelson. In dwelling 98, Rosanna Leachman is listed with her husband Matthew. According to the IGI, there is a marriage record in Jackson Co., Georgia in 1839 for Matthew Leachman and Rosiana Hudson. It would make sense that that Jane Hudson is the matriarch of this group and that at least Wesley, Notley, David are all her sons. Maybe. Or maybe they are cousins.In any case, they appear to be connected.

By 1860, in addition to these families, we also find a Giles Hudson and a Manning Hudson close at hand that could be connected as well. Manning Hudson appears to move into Campbell County, so maybe he’s not quite as connected.

Rhoda Hudson married John G. Wood in 1866 in Paulding County.However, there is a John G Wood enumerated in 1850 just a few dwellings away from Wesley Hudson in the household of Elias Wood.This could well be another connection.

David Hudson married an Elizabeth Wood in 1845 in this district. She did not live long and David remarried in 1848. If it could be shown that both John G. and Elizabeth were from the same family, this would help with showing some kind of connection between David’s family and that of Wesley. It is known that David moved on to Alabama in about 1855.

Clearly, all of these Hudson families are somehow connected. They also intertwine with the neighbor families. More research is required to sort out the ties. The fact that all Dekalb County records prior to 1842 were lost in a fire hampers our ability to trace this more efficiently.

On the Landers side, there are some connections floating around as well that I will mention, though these will be followed in more depth in the Landers section. In 1860, Rebecca Landers, age 55, is enumerated with Wesley's family. After some confusion over the relation ship to Rebecca, the 1880 census shows her listed as an aunt, presumably Elizabeth’s aunt. And she is listed as single, so perhaps she is a spinster sister to Elizabeth’s father.


There has been some confusion over Wesley’s name. The tradition passed along in the Arkansas branch of the family was that his name was George Wesley Hudson. However, his tombstone, which was placed in the 1990’s by Howard Lane of Dallas, GA, reads John Wesley Hudson.Wesley himself is always referred to as just Wesley in any documents found to date. He confounds the problem somewhat by naming two sons after himself: John Wesley who went to Arkansas, and George Wesley who remained in Dallas. It seems likely that George Wesley was also called Wesley during his life. That would lend some credence to Wesley’s true name being George Wesley. However, since he himself was always called Wesley, until this can be resolved, he will be referred to as Wesley.

Pumpkinvine Baptist Church

One of the main places where Wesley’s name can be traced is in the church minutes for Pumpkinvine Baptist Church. Over a period of some 20 years, the Hudsons appear quite frequently. Initially, when Wesley joins the church, he is referred to as Wesley Hudson. A year later,in 1867, a J.W. Hudson takes a position on the church committee. This could have been Wesley’s son, John Wesley, since he was of age and had not yet left for Arkansas, but in light of the fact that Wesley was still around, it seems much more likely to refer to him. Most of the other references to him are clearly to W. Hudson or Wesley Hudson and are pretty much unambiguous, since his son was called John and his younger son, George Wesley, called Wesley, was not yet of age.

Wesley Hudson served on a number of church committees and was often called upon to visit and talk with church members who had gone astray and then to act to either include or exclude them from the church.He, himself, became the target of this same kind of activity. On 14 Feb 1874, Wesley Hudson acknowledged before the assembly that he had been drinking too much. Apparently this was resolved, since he was not excluded from the fellowship.

On 16 Dec 1876, Wesley Hudson and Matilda Moore were excluded from the church for living in sin. At first, I believed this must be a clue that Elizabeth and Rebecca had died and left Matilda and Wesley alone. But, the 1880 census shows both of them alive and well. I do not understand quite what would have caused this exclusion without also estranging Elizabeth. I believe at that time that Wesley moved his membership to Dallas Baptist Church. On 17 Nov 1877, the church received a petition for restoration from J.W. Hudson. John Wesley Hudson had already gone to Arkansas by this time, so this is somewhat confusing. Wesley had been excluded from the fellowship and would need a letter of restoration before he could transfer his letter of membership to another church. But, if this is a reference to Wesley,it goes back to the confusion over his name.

According to Franklin Garrett's Necrology, at one time, Wesley Hudson owned all of the property around the present (1932) site of Simsville in Fulton Co. More interestingly, Garrett describes the origins of the City of Atlanta, grown up around the "Terminus" of the Western &Atlantic Railroad. Wesley Hudson is listed as one of the pioneers in the area to sell land for the initial right-of-way from the railroad's crossing of the Chattahoochee River to its Terminus in Land Lot 78, District 14, approximately at the current intersection of Foundry St.and the W&ARR.

Where he's not:
1870 Georgia Census index
1870 Paulding Census
1870 Fulton Census (where he was before)
1873 Fulton tax digest
1884 Fulton tax digest
1885 Fulton tax digest
Newton Co. marriages, estates, wills, deeds
Dekalb Co. marriages
Henry Co. marriages, estates
Jackson Co. marriages
Clarke Co. marriages
Madison Co. marriages
Franklin Co. marriages
Gwinnett Co. marriages, inferior court
Fayette Co. marriages
Jefferson Co. wills
Elbert marriages
Jackson wills
Franklin County estates, marriages
Madison Co. tax digest 1830, 1832
Jackson Co tax digest 1829, 1827
Utoy Primitive Baptist Church records, Fulton Co
Fulton / Dekalb Tax digest - 1846, 1847, 1854, 1855 (Fragmented list)
Nancy Creek Primitive Baptist Church records, Chamblee, GA
Concord Baptist Church records, Mableton, Cobb Co, GA (lots of early Gann names)
Walnut Fork Baptist Church, Jackson Co, GA records
Dekalb Co index to wills, estates, ordinary court minutes

Where to check next:
GA State Census records - 1834, 1838, etc.

1830 US Census - Madison County, Georgia
p. 103
Line 9 - John H. Hudson - 100001-10001-2 male slaves < 10 - 6
Line 20 - Lewis Landers - 111001-21001-8
Line 27 - Benjamin Landers - 10011-10001-5
p. 106
Line 8 - Notley Gore - 011111-110001-8
p 107
Line 6 - John Landers - 201001-011001-1 female slave 55-100-8
Line 12 - Manning H. Gore - 01000001-0100001-4
p. 110
line 10 - John C. Landers - 0000001-2121101-9
p. 117
Line 2 - William Hudson - 012120001-0110001-10
p. 118
Line 24 - Sarah Landers 0-0011001-3
Based on the 1830 census, assuing Wesley & Elizabeth did marry in 1831, then they were probably in Madison in 1830. William is the only Hudson in the county where Wesley fits. John C. Landers, a name we keep coming back to, could be her father. But she also fits in Sarah Landers household.

1820 US Census, Madison County, GA
William Adare
Bozeman Adare
No Hudsons or Gore in 1820 
Hudson, Wesley (I3785)
439 Martha remains a mystery. While a marriage record for a J.H. Dickson to Martha A. Taylor exists in Desoto Co., MS in 1873, no other Taylor information has been found. In 1870, a J. Dickson appears to be enumerated with a Wm. Taylor family in Desoto Co. But no Martha is in that family.

In the 1880 Prairie Co., AR census, Martha and John Dickson are enumerated. However, after that, Martha's name gets difficult to trace. She is enumerated with Jack A. Jones in 1900, but the name given is Emma. Maybe that's M. A. One of her step-daughters was named Emma, as well. However, in the marriage return for her marriage to Jack Jones, she is listed as Mrs. Sue Dickson.

MARRIAGE: IGI M516843, 1051

Though I found her in the 1880 census for sure, I'm not certain about 1900. I found the household of Jack A. Jones, her second husband, as well as her children in this household. But, in 1880, she is listed as Martha A. and in 1900 she is listed as Emma S. The length of the marriage is such, though that I think this must be the same person.Her father and mother are reported from GA in 1900. 1900 census lists her birthdate as Sept. 1858.

Perhaps the key to finding Martha is to concentrate on her children by her second marriage. Maybe the Jones family has some information. Moreover, Clida Taylor is listed as a step-niece of Jack Jones in the 1900 census. That gives credence to the Taylor connection. Probably she is the daughter of one of Martha's brothers. Look for Taylors near the Jones family in Arkansas, as well as near them in Mississippi and Alabama (near Dicksons).

In the 1880 census, Martha reports that she has had 6 children, of whom 5 are living. In the 1910 census, it says she has had only 1 child. From this, I would surmise that there were two children with Jack Jones, one of whom who died

Perhaps, she was Martha Susannah Taylor. There is a Taylor family on the next page of the census in 1870 with a Susannah, age 12, which would fit Martha. See Desoto Co, T5R7, dwelling 372. It appears that her mother is Martha and that she has an older brother W. A. Taylor. This leaves us still with no father for her.

Given that Martha A. Taylor is later on known as Susannah, let's focus on that.

Just one page over from the David Dickson family in the 1870 census, there is a W.A. Taylor family with a daughter, Susannah. She was born in 1858 in Alabama, which is consistent with what has always been reported for the wife of John H. Dickson. This may be a really good lead. This family is headed by W.A. Taylor, but he is only 22 years old. I would propose that he is an older brother to Susannah. There is a Martha that is 40 years old that is likely the mother.
Taylor, Martha A. (I5886)
440 Obituary
Mr. Ben Wofford, Jr. was born July 29, 1925 in Sallisaw, Oklahoma, the son of Ben Wofford, Sr. and Cordia Lee Sallee Wofford.  He was married to Sybil Pauline Shiflett on June 12, 1946 in Ft. Smith, Arkansas.  Mr. Wofford was a former employee of Colonial Bread, Coca-Cola Bottling and retired from Life and Casualty Insurance Company.  He was a member of First Baptist Church in Ft. Smith, Ar. He enjoyed his church, the Golden Eagles Camper Club, fishing and gardening.  Mr. Wofford passed this life on June 29, 2009 in Ft. Smith, Arkansas after having attained the age of 83 years and 11 months.
Survivors are:
wife of 63 years: Sybil of the home
2 daughters and sons in law:
Julie and Don Inman of San Antonio, Texas
Bennie and Darrell Dunn of Pocola, Oklahoma
3 grandchildren: Aaron Inman and wife, Julie
Phillip Inman and wife, Celeste
Seantelle Marrazzo and husband, Thomas
5 great grandchildren: Tristan "Paige" Inman,
Alehandra Aaron Inman, Victoria Pauline Marrazzo,
Carla Jayne Marrazzo and Ella McKenna Inman
several other relatives and friends 
Wofford, Ben Jr. (I6599)
441 Roger A. “Sonny” Knight Jr.

Knight, 78, of Madisonville, died July 3, 2020. He received his law degree from the University of Houston Law Center and was admitted to the Texas Bar in 1965. Knight was Madison County attorney for two terms starting in 1968 and was the owner of Roger Knight, Jr., Inc. He was a member of the American Board of Trial Advocates—Houston Chapter. Knight was recognized by the State Bar of Texas for 50 years of service in 2015 and was named an ABOTA—Houston Chapter Warrior of the 7th Amendment in 2018. He was a rancher and raised quarter horses. Knight enjoyed reading, especially history. He is survived by his wife of 36 years, Angela Dawn Knight; son, attorney Kevin Roger Knight; daughters, attorney Laurie Louise Knight, Sonnye Alexander Knight, and Griffin Morgan Knight; and three grandchildren. 
Knight, Roger A. (I9768)
442 From Find A Grave

Born to Jeremiah Simmons "Jerry" Burnett (1835-1915) & Alice Arseneth Bobo Burnett (1834-1918).

Lucy married Rev. John Austin Lee (1861-1933) about 1889.

Six children:
• Austin Webb Lee (1890-1954)
• Sarah Alice Lee McDade (1892-1986)
• Lillian Lee Burwell (1894-1972)
• Griffin Calicutt Lee (1896-1939)
• John Edwin Lee (1898-1970)
• James A. Lee (1903-after 1946 in Kenosha, WI)

Lucy Lee and her first cousin, Addie Cansler Massey, Memorial# 55584101, are both buried in the Clinton Cemetery. Their common maternal grandparents are Sampson Bobo, Memorial# 8318172, and Rebecca Woodruff Bobo, Memorial# 27048707. 
Burnette, Lucy Jane (I1301)
Brown, William (I10164)
444 A 3 year old child, Jackson Ware, is enumerated with this family. Could be a late in life son or a grandson. McClosky, Nancy A. (I4524)
445 A D Wren to Arkansas Finance Co
25 Feb 1889, filed 27 Feb 1889
Trust Deed, Book 32, p. 9
Sec 33, T 12, R 22 
Wren, Alonzo Dossey (I6659)
446 A Feb 1806 deed references Alexander Wren and a tract of land owned by Winnyfred Wren adjacent to George Wren. It seems like Alexander is likely another son. Also that Winnyfred is another daughter. The fact that she owns land on her own would imply that (a) she is of legal age (at least 14, I expect) and (b) her father likely has died and willed the land to her. Not sure how to square that with Betty's notes on the 1800 census.

Notes for William Wren (Betty Wren)

NOTE: William Wren was from the Cattail-Fountain Creek area of that part of Brunswick Co. VA that fell into Greensville Co. VA. No definitive evidence has been found to place him in a family. Wrens were in Brunswick in the early 1700's.

1760 DEED: Brunswick Co VA, 23 May 1760, Thomas Tomlinson to Wm. Ezell. Wit: William Wren, Wm. Majors, John Houseman.

1761 DEED:Brunswick Co VA, 28 Jan 1761, Nathaneil Carter & wife Ellender to William Wren of Brandon Pr., Prince George Co. for 50 pounds 117 ac. on N side Roanoke R. on branch of Cattail Ck. Wit: Jon Vinson, John Tomlinson & Richard Renn p 614. DB 6. NOTE:On p.616, DB 6,28 Jan 1761, Richard Renn buys from Nath. Perry of Granville Co NC.Wit: Jon Vinson, John Tomlinson & William Renn.

1761 DEED:Brunswick Co VA, 11 Apr 1761, William Wren to Benjamin Williams. Wit:James Oliver, Nathl. & Susanna Mabry.

1764 WILL:Sussex Co VA, 26 Sept 1764/ 17 Jan 1765 WB-B-24. Will of Burrel Tomlinson.....to nephew Theodorick Renn son of William Renn.....to sister Mary Renn.

1773 DEED:Brunswick Co VA, Benj. Rives purchased from Wm. & Eliz. Massey 200 ac., Wit: William Wren, Rich. (x) Massey, James Advent.

1773 DEED:Brunswick Co VA, Oct, Conveted to Wm. Rives, 200 ac, wife Mary waivers dower rights. Wit:Benj. & James Advent, William Wren.

1776 DEED:Brunswicke Co VA, DB-12-197, John Dobie of SC sells land on Cattail Cr. Wit: Wm. Robinson Jr, Wm. Advent, William Wren. Proven 26 May 1777 by oaths of Wm. Robinson & William Wren.

NOTE:Those people noted as witnesses in Brunswick deeds were later found in Lancaster Co SC. This would lead one to believe that the William Wren in Brunswick Co VA was the same as one in Lancaster Co SC.

1780 DEED:Brunswick Co VA, DB 14, 21 Feb 1780, p8, William Wren & Mary his wife of Brunswick Co & Meherrin Pr. to Henry Mangum for 7,000 pounds 371 ac. Wit: Briggs Goodrich, William Robinson, John Camp & John Woodroof. Proved 27 Mar 1780. Land was on Carter's Creek bounded by Massey, Soloman, William Robinson Littleberry Robinson,William Peebles, John Collier.

1780 REV WAR: Wm Wren supplied 7 beef cattle for the troops of Gen Sumter. Recieved compensation 26 May 1788. NOTE: This would indicate that Wm Wren was in Lancaster by 1780 but no record of deeds for this time period exist. The first 54 pages of Lancaster DB-A are missing.

!1781 WITNESS: Greensville Co VA, WB-1-8, 6 Aug 1781-24 Jan 1782, will of John Tomlinson II, Wit: Wm. Sykes, Wm Tomlinson, Wm Wren. NOTE: Many of the people of Lancaster Co SC during the Rev War returned to their former homes in VA because of the terrible fighting in the Waxhaw area. [THE WAXHAWS, Pettus, p52.] This would account for Wm Wren having been in Greensville Co VA to witness the will of brother-in-law John Tomlinson II and account for Wm Wren to be on the 1783 tax list in Greensville Co VA.

1783 CENSUS: Greensville Co VA, State Census, William Wren , Susuanna Tomlinson, Catoe, Robinson, Massey, Vincents all citizens of Lancaster Co SC have returned to VA. Above.

1790 CENSUS:HEADS OF FAMILIES-SC, p25. 1 WM 16>, 2 WF, 2 slaves.

1800 CENSUS:Lancaster Co SC, p13, NA film, SC-50. 00001-00011-07. NOTE: This record was copied from the actual census record. Some indices, e.g."accelerated index", record the numbers for the name below Wren [Guy Wallis] as Wren's record, therefore indicating a much larger family. Last record found for Wm. Wren. The female between 26-45 would be dau. Mildred b 1771, ref. 1850 census Chester Co SC, who didn't marry until 1809
Wren, William (I6770)
447 A few times, I have seen her as Myrtle A. But more frequently, there is an S. or Stella. Ballentine, Myrtle Stella (I739)
448 A letter to John Wesley Hudson in 1899 confirms Wesley's birthdate Hudson, Wesley (I3785)
449 A List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Eatonton, Putnam county, on the 1st day of July, 1829: Hardy Bridges Bridges, Hardy (I8807)
450 A lot of Wren family notes say he died as an infant. However, Find a Grave shows a tombstone with a death date of 1867. Can't see a good image of it to tell one way or another. In either case, he died relatively young and had no family.

Death date also seen as 11 Jun ____ 
Wren, Alexander Hamilton Stevens (I6656)

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